Most smelly creature on Earth - a man
The smell emitted by the human body, is unique in the animal world. Not only that almost all the human body emits various odors - so also the microorganisms that live on us, and the smell is not the best.
Scientists believe that the most smelly creature on the planet is man. «The microorganisms that live on our skin, the materials used on the skin and our sweat for their metabolism. These microorganisms convert non-volatile substances in the volatile "- say researchers who analyzed the composition of human sweat. These volatiles attract the attention of insects such as mosquitoes, which are carriers of dangerous diseases such as yellow fever and malaria. Human sweat is a mixture of carbon dioxide, ammonia, lactic acid and seven other carboxylic acids, which have a very pungent smell.
While we believe that animals have a heavy smell than we do, studies show that the surface of the body of birds and other animals emit less volatile organic compounds. For example, in the coat of a giraffe or chicken feathers, scientists discovered a small amount of carboxylic acids. According to the analysis of the work of glands of humans and other primates, the smell of the human body similar to the smell of chimpanzees and gorillas. However, the skin of monkeys, a large amount of fat, and the person produces water, proteins, amino acids, urea, lactic acid and salts , most of which are quite unpleasant smells. In addition, our glands secrete these substances are teeming with bacteria, waste products that do not make the smell more pleasant.
Interestingly, although men sweat more, the concentration of the malodorous, volatile carboxylic acids in their sweat is the same as in women, men simply sweat contains more water.
via factroom.ru
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