Previously, the kiwi was called "Chinese gooseberries"
Homeland kiwi - China, where because of their hairy skins he wore the name "monkey peach". But, unlike gooseberry, kiwi fruit was not popular, as long as there was not artificially cultivated. This event occurred relatively recently: in the early twentieth century.
New Zealand amateur horticulturist Alexander Allison for 30 years engaged in breeding monkey peach, trying to turn unappetizing small and hard berries juicy fruit. It was then that there was a name "Chinese gooseberry».
At the beginning of the works did not give significant results, and the only consolation were the stunning beauty of the flowers, and sang praises Chinese poets since, at least, from the VIII century BC. e. However, specially designed fertilizer, pruning and grafting monkey peach fruit turned into a surprisingly tasty and large berries.
For a long time about this remarkable plant has been known only to local gardeners. But there would be a blessing in disguise: the global industrial crisis has forced the port clerk McLoklin engaged in cultivation and sale of the "Chinese gooseberry". Soon a good idea began to bring many thousands profits on new fruits have learned in Europe and America.
It took a new, resounding and exotic name. Kiwi - the famous New Zealand flightless bird. Her brown feathers look more like the fur of a mammal or ... on hairy skin of the "Chinese gooseberry". Kiwi - also one of the playful self-names of New Zealanders.
Source: www.what-is.com.ua
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