Scientists still do not know exactly why when the shower curtain is drawn in

Amazing fact: "the effect of a shower curtain" still has no clear scientific explanation. We are talking about all the unpleasant and familiar property curtains inexplicably attracted to water and lipnuschey the human body, take a shower. Here are the basics of the theory put forward by physicists:
1. "Buoyancy effect». Due to the fact that the hot water heats the air, the air pressure behind the curtain is lowered as compared with the pressure outside, forcing the drawn curtain. This, however, does not explain why the "shower curtain effect" persists, if you take a cold shower.
2. "Bernoulli effect». based on the principle of flight of the aircraft, ie the acceleration of liquid flying down, lowers blood pressure, and "pulls" the air outside to compensate for the difference, forcing the curtain "absorbed».
3. "The theory of the horizontal vortex». With the help of expensive software, David Schmidt of Scientific American found that spray water create a vortex that behaves as the center of the cyclone, rotating perpendicular to the curtain that attracts her. For this discovery, David received the Ig Nobel prize.
via factroom.ru
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