34 facts about Kurt Cobain

1. As a teenager, Cobain lived more than 8 months at the home of his friend.
2. At the time when Nirvana was just beginning his career, he received a fax with an offer from the band Metallica, Nirvana but refused to cooperate with them.
3. For many years, Cobain focused on building a series of films entitled «Super-8", in one of which there is a scene of Cobain's suicide.
4. In his spare time Kurt liked to buy pieces of meat and shoot him in the nearby woods.
5. In June 1976, shortly after his parents' divorce, a young Cobain wrote on the wall of the bedroom, "I hate my mother, I hate Dad, Daddy hates my mother, my mother hated my father, it is just impossible not to be sad. »
6. We Cobain had a chance to join the US Navy, he discussed it for a long time with recruiters at the same time.
7. In an interview, Cobain said, "I met a lot of minds, capable of storing and digest the enormous amount of information, but none of them did not have the wisdom to appreciate the dedication program».
8. His first composition Cobain wrote in 1982 in the house of her aunt Mary and called «Organized Confusion».

9. Cobain began daily use n * SPE in order to reduce chronic pain in the stomach.
10. According to some sources, he spent $ 100 on n * oin a daily basis.
11. After Nirvana became famous musicians wanted to play in the first international festival of underground in Olympia, but project coordinators refused them than deeply wounded Cobain.
12. Kurt sometimes there were moments when he could sit in a corner for 45 minutes and did not say a word.
13. Cobain once said, "Art, which has long-term value can not be appreciated by most, only a small percentage will show understanding and appreciate it».
14. Cobain could read dialogues from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" word for word.
15. After a few hours after the performance on Saturday Night Live, and just a week before Nevermind became number 1 on the charts, Cobain got the re nar * * ozirovku Otik. Courtney Love found him at 7 am, lying on the floor. She managed to revive it with a spray of water.

16. On Christmas Eve 1991, Cobain and Courtney Love began to live together in a small room at the home of their friend.
17. When asked whether he wants to be number 1 in Billboard, Cobain replied, "It's like being the 16th, is that more people will kiss you in the s * d».
18. One of the most expensive items for Cobain was signed by the author of the first edition of "Guo * first breakfast" William Burroughs.
19. In 1992, the year Cobain claimed that he and Courtney Love spent a million dollars: 80 000 on personal expenses 380 000 for taxes 300 000 for a house in Washington, and the rest on doctors and lawyers. "It's not so much" - said he then.
20. After the performance «Territorial Pi * sings» on Saturday Night Live, Cobain and bassist started kissing.
21. Before becoming famous, Cobain worked as an instructor in the children's pool.
22. At the age of 6 years old, he began to throw into police cars cans of 7-Up, filled with stones.
23. After listening «In Bloom» for the first time and realizing how good composition, Courtney Love said: "I felt sorry for Kurt, I have introduced the nightmare that awaits him after this song will be released ».
24. As a child, Kurt was a drum set as Mickey Mouse.

25. Cobain wrote: "I was forced to become a rock star, a recluse. No speeches, interviews, and more. All this is due to those who have not contributed to the development of rock who only disturbed manifestations of artistry ».
26. For the first time Cobain saw myself on TV September 28, 1991. It was a video from MTV.
27. At the age of 1 year, Cobain was wearing a Halloween costume of the cut rubber wives * ins.
28. Once Cobain said, "Most of my life I had a man, but I've always preferred to chat with the girls, I like a soft music. But everything changed when I started it ma ku * * ihuanu ».
29. Before starting the «Smells Like Teen Spirit» show Kurt exclaimed: «Courtney Love is the best f * ck in the world.»
30. Favorite song Cobain - «Gigantic» in the performance of Pixies.
31. Courtney Love once said: "Kurt was clean and incredibly ambitious, and all that he wanted, he got».
32. At the time when Nirvana was just beginning his career, Kurt argued that they rehearse for 5 nights a week.
33. in the lower grades of Kurt's father wrote it in the fight, but the boy did not want to fight all the time he was sitting on the carpet with his arms crossed and do nothing.
34. In a letter to his father, Cobain wrote: "I have not picked up at you with her mother, because when I was growing up, I received the same dose of hate both of you».
Source: www.bugaga.ru
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