8 facts about the Ig Nobel Prize

1. Ig Nobel Prize, Ignobelevskie premium Antinobel Prize - a parody of the prestigious international award - the Nobel Prize. Ten Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded in the beginning of October, that is, at a time when called winners of this Nobel prize - for achievements that make the first laugh, and then - thinking (first make people laugh, and then make them think).
2. Ig Nobel prize awarded for achievements that can not be reproduced or no sense to do it. Except for three awards, awarded for the first year, they are awarded for the actual works. The award winners of the real Nobel Prize winners are awarded.
3. In most cases, these awards draw attention to scientific work, title or theme which contains elements of humor. For example, we have received awards: the study showed that the presence of people sexually aroused ostriches; It concluded that the black holes on the parameters suitable for the location of hell; Work, to investigate whether infected food, which fell to the floor and lay there for at least five seconds.
4. In presenting the award winners of the speech is limited to 60 seconds. Those who say longer stops Miss Sweetie Poo - a little girl who moody voice exclaims: "Please stop, I'm bored!».
5. Ig Nobel laureates awarded the prize, which can be performed, for example, in the form of medals of foil or a klatsat jaws on the stand, as well as a certificate for the award and signed by three Nobel Prize winners.
6. The citizens of Russia received "Shnobelevku" several times. In 1992, in literature it has received a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri T. Pods, because between 1981 and 1990 has published 948 scientific papers, that is, on average, every 4 days he went out into the light of a new article. In the 2002's - in economics Ig Nobel prize shared with several other companies Gazprom for the use of the mathematical concept of imaginary numbers in business.
7. In 2000, the year of the Ig Nobel Prize was awarded to Andre Geim, a native of the USSR, for levitating a frog. And in 2010, the year Andre Geim, together with his associate received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the practical preparation of graphene, becoming thus the first person who was personally honored as Ig, and the Nobel Prize.
8. In 2010, he received the Ig Nobel prize:
Engineering. A group of British scientists led Karina Atsevedo-Whitehouse. For the improvement in the method of collecting whale snot, using a remote-controlled helicopter.
Medicine. Simon Rietveld (Simon Rietveld) and Ilja van Beast (Ilja van Beest). For the discovery that asthma can be treated with a roller coaster ride.
Traffic Planning. A group of Japanese and British researchers. For the development of a method for determining the optimal route of the railway tracks using slime mold.
physics. The University of Otago (New Zealand). For the discovery of a reliable way to protect yourself from fractures and bruises on the ice in winter. It appears to increase the stability in the ice enough to wear socks on the outside of shoes.
world. A group of British scientists. For proof that swearing relieves pain.
Public Health. Researchers from the United States. For the discovery of the fact that in the course of work in the laboratory microbes cling to bearded scientists. This washing beard does not eliminate the risk of contracting.
The Economy. The top managers of financial and insurance giants like AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch and other such companies, collapsed during the global crisis. For the promotion of new ways of investing that maximize profits and minimize financial risk.
Chemistry. Chemists of Texas and the University of Hawaii. For a refutation of the old ideas that water and oil do not mix.
management. Italian scientists. For the mathematical proof of the fact that the effectiveness of the organization increases if employees receive service increase by random sampling.
biology. Biologists from China and the UK. For research fellatio in bats.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
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