Alexander Lukashenko - the winner of the Ig Nobel Prize 2013

In Sanders Theatre at Harvard University held a ceremony of Ig Nobel Prize in 2013, which turned out to be among the winners of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.
Ig Nobel Prize, established in 1991 by Mark Abrahams and the American magazine "Annals of Improbable Research" - a kind of parody of the Nobel Prize. Doubtful discoveries and achievements are "forced first to laugh, then think." Awards are presented in 10 categories, of which 6 are constants and others change every year.
This year, the top ten shnobelevtsev entered Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. He was awarded the prize "for a ban on public applause and Belarusian police arrest man for one-handed applause».
Also awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in medicine Japanese and Chinese scientists who have studied the impact of the opera on mice transplanted heart. In the field of astronomy and biology was awarded a team of experts to find out that lost dung beetles find their way home, guided by the Milky Way.
The prize is awarded editors of the magazine "Annals of Improbable Research", representatives of the media, as well as scientists, including Nobel Prize winners.