Ig Nobel Prize: 10 funniest scientific advances of 2012

Every year at Harvard in the United States pay tribute to achievements "that make people laugh, then think." September 20 was 22 th awards ceremony Ig Nobel prize for the most bizarre, unusual and funny discoveries.
1. PsihologiyaAnita Eerland Rolf Zwaan and Tulio Guadalupe Peru received the award for his research: "The inclination of the torso to the left makes the Eiffel Tower is shorter." Scientists have discovered that when we lean to the left, then evaluate things like smaller. For example, those who are looking at the Eiffel tower tilted to the left, estimated its height to 12 meters lower.
2. MirRossiyskaya SKN company received the award for the world that has developed technology in the transformation of combat ammunition nanodiamonds.
3. AkustikaYaponets Katsutaka Kurihara and Koji Tsukada were awarded for the invention of "Silencer speech" - a device that stops the endless stream of speech, causing the talker to hear your own words with a slight delay.
4. NevrologiyaAmerikanskie scientists Craig Bennett, Abigail Beerd, Michael Miller and George Walford were awarded the Ig Nobel Prize for what proved to everyone that researchers studying the brain using sophisticated instruments and simple statistics, can see meaningful brain activity anywhere, even from the dead salmon.
5. HimiyaYohan Petterson from Sweden and Rwanda, distinguished by the fact that solved the riddle of why some town houses Anderslov in Sweden, people's hair turn green.
6. LiteraturaAmerikanskoe government management accountability awarded for a report on the statement of the report, which recommends to prepare a report on the statement of the report on the report.
7. FizikaIssledovateli Joseph Keller, Raymond Goldstein, Patrick Warren and Robin Ball earned premium for that calculated the balance of forces that shape and forced to move hair ponytail.
8. GidromehanikaRuslan Krechetnikov and Hans Mayer were awarded for the study of fluid spillage. They found out what happens to a man running, he bears a cup of coffee. Scientists have shown that the properties of the cups, the legs and the liquid are combined in such a way that we often spill coffee between the seventh and the tenth step.
9. AnatomiyaFrans de Waal from the Netherlands and American researcher Jennifer Pokorny received the prize for the discovery that chimps can recognize other chimps at photos of their backside.
10. MeditsinaEmanyuel Ben Susan and Michelle Antoinette of France were awarded the prize for medicine for what prompted the doctors conducting the colonoscopy (bowel protsedry Inspection) how to reduce the chance that the patient may vomit feces.
via factroom.ru
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