Samomumifikatsiya - is the process of turning his body into a mummy
Home practice samomumifikatsii put the monk Kukai, who settled a thousand years ago on the sacred Mount Koya (Wakayama Prefecture). He is on his own experience and developed postupenchatuyu system closer to the ideal, the passage of which is engaged in a decade ...
First, it was necessary to radically change the diet. The monk was allowed to eat nuts and seeds, which he sought in the forest surrounding the temple. Staying at this first stage lasted for a thousand days, that is about 3 years.
In addition to the restrictions on food monk must have felt the brunt of daily labor, prolonged exercise, religious vigils. As a result, body fat almost disappeared. It rids the body of a substance, the most rapidly disintegrating after death.
After the first thousand days of mortification began the second stage related to the further restrictions on food.
Now, the food was acceptable to use only a small amount of bark and roots of pine trees. On this diet monk ought to lend a thousand days, the end of which his body was like a living skeleton.
At the same time it had to reduce the number of consumed water.
At the end of the second thousand day period of fasting monk passed to a special tea, infused with urushi - sap of the lacquer tree. This varnish Japanese and Chinese craftsmen covered dish to give it a gloss varnish. Juice urushi is very toxic, so the absorption of tea, infused it leads to painful reactions, tricked out of the remnants of moisture.
But the main thing - the other: a poisonous juice, which itself was impregnated reshivshiesya this process monks deliver them dried body after death from abuse of any bacteria and insect larvae.
The past and crossed this stage the sufferer in a stone room, designed to be his tomb. She was so small that it could accommodate only sitting in the lotus position. With the world it has joined a narrow gap in the wall, through which the inside of the incoming air. At this time, people have nothing to eat or drink. Only a few bells, from which the rope was in a stone crypt, testified that the ascetic is still alive. When the bell fell silent forever walled gap for air.
Some time later, the corpse was removed and carefully examined. If samomumifikatsii process is successful, the remains exhibited in the temple on display and worship as a divine manifestation of the Buddha himself. If the experience of an ended unsuccessfully, and so often the case, the body forever immured in a stone tomb.
Source: www.muz4in.net
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