Chinese construction workers found at a construction site ... mummy!
Absolutely casually in Jiangsu province in eastern China were the builders discovered an ancient burial ground, where archaeologists discovered the mummy of a female. According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty and was at least 500 years
13 photos via sfw.org.ua
1. On the old vault stumbled workers when digging a pit at the construction site. Soon came the burial place of historians who opened the grave.
2. Burial of three stone coffins were found by builders at a depth of two meters in Jiangsu province in eastern China.
3. According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty (ie, the period from 1368 to 1644 gg.) And he is not less than 500 years.
4. In the two tombs were found during the exhumation of the skeletons, clothes Ming Dynasty and funerary accessories, while the tomb lay in the third well-preserved mummified body of a woman.
5. The five-foot body, wrapped in a thick cotton cloth, well preserved. Judging found around the woman belonged to the upper class.
6. undergone mummification body was wrapped in the grave clothes - linen rags, thoroughly impregnated with wax, which in medieval China were used in the burial of the dead, and dressed in quilted and sheets.
7. Fashion perfectly preserved. Photo: Archaeologists gently pull out the mummy of a stone coffin.
8. mummy completely intact skin, clearly recognizable facial features, and even has hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.
9. The found the mummy being prepared for shipping.
10. Archaeologists gently wrapped his find in a blanket, discovered in a coffin with the body.
11. During the inspection found a mummy museum staff Taizhou found many funeral supplies, including the ring with jade, silver hair clip and more than twenty cotton rags period of the Ming Dynasty.
12. Ring close-up.
13. It is the fourth oldest burial ground discovered in Jiangsu Province. In the 1970s, scientists have found here found the grave of a noble woman, buried more than 2,000 years ago.
13 photos via sfw.org.ua
1. On the old vault stumbled workers when digging a pit at the construction site. Soon came the burial place of historians who opened the grave.

2. Burial of three stone coffins were found by builders at a depth of two meters in Jiangsu province in eastern China.

3. According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty (ie, the period from 1368 to 1644 gg.) And he is not less than 500 years.

4. In the two tombs were found during the exhumation of the skeletons, clothes Ming Dynasty and funerary accessories, while the tomb lay in the third well-preserved mummified body of a woman.

5. The five-foot body, wrapped in a thick cotton cloth, well preserved. Judging found around the woman belonged to the upper class.

6. undergone mummification body was wrapped in the grave clothes - linen rags, thoroughly impregnated with wax, which in medieval China were used in the burial of the dead, and dressed in quilted and sheets.

7. Fashion perfectly preserved. Photo: Archaeologists gently pull out the mummy of a stone coffin.

8. mummy completely intact skin, clearly recognizable facial features, and even has hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

9. The found the mummy being prepared for shipping.

10. Archaeologists gently wrapped his find in a blanket, discovered in a coffin with the body.

11. During the inspection found a mummy museum staff Taizhou found many funeral supplies, including the ring with jade, silver hair clip and more than twenty cotton rags period of the Ming Dynasty.

12. Ring close-up.

13. It is the fourth oldest burial ground discovered in Jiangsu Province. In the 1970s, scientists have found here found the grave of a noble woman, buried more than 2,000 years ago.

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