The turkey will try to mate with a female, even if it is not the wings, legs and feathers

Turkeys are not choosy. Give them a natural-looking stuffed turkey, and they will try to mate with them with the same zeal as if it was a live turkey.
This observation is of interest to Martin Shane (Martin Schein) and Edgar Hale (Edgar Hale) from the University of Pennsylvania, and they decided to find out what the minimum stimulus needed turkeys to cause their sexual desire, in connection with which they conducted a series of experiments in which stuffed turkey parts removed one by one until the turkey is not lost interest in it.
There were removed the tail, legs and wings, but stupid bird continued to approach the Scarecrow, he began loudly trying to gobble up and do my thing. In the end, there was only a head on a stick, but oddly enough, turkey continued to show great interest. In fact, he preferred a head on a stick headless body.
Then Shane Hale and tried to figure out - how accurately depicts the head should be that it has not ceased to excite the turkey. It was found that females svezheotrublennye head, impaled on sticks work best, but for lack of a better turkey satisfied with even a simple head made of balsa wood. Apparently, turkeys adhere to this philosophy that if you can not live with someone you love, you love the person with whom you live.
Source: www.muz4in.net
via factroom.ru