11 facts about Al Pacino

1. Grandparents Pacino native of Corleone (Sicily).
2. Full name: Alfredo James Pacino.
3. The young Pacino was sufficiently sensitive child, and seven years he was not allowed to go out alone. The only entertainment available was the local cinema, which she and her mother visited the evenings. Happy is left in the care of her grandmother, Alfredo recounted to her the contents of the scanned "in the people." Perhaps it was in those days, and laid the foundations of acting styles.
4. role of Michael Corleone, he got ahead of such Hollywood favorites as Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty.
5. In the 80s the actor suffered a severe personal crisis, failures in professional activities have led to increased dependence, within four years, Pacino does not appear on screen, and many were quick to write him off at Hollywood crept rumors that Pacino finally took to drink. However, breaking the addiction, in the early 90's Pacino triumphant return to the screen in "Sea of Love».
6. Prior to acting career, Al worked as a cook in an Italian restaurant.
7. Parents actor named Salvatore and Rose. Al was their only child.
8. Parents actor divorced when young Alu Pacino was only 2 years.
9. At 21 (January 7, 1961), Pacino was spotted by police driving a "strange riding" cars, dressed in a black mask and gloves. A search was found hidden in the machine gun. He was arrested and held in prison for up to 3 days until it became clear that the weapon he was carrying was a prop from the set.
10. Al Pacino refused to participate in the film "Kramer vs. Kramer," "Pretty Woman," "Apocalypse Now," "Born on the 4th of July" and "Star Wars».
11. In October 1997, the British magazine «Empire» named Al Pacino fourth in the list of the 100 greatest movie stars of all time.
Source: www.kinofilms.com.ua
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