In fact, blue eyes does not exist
No one has the eyes blue or gray, despite the fact that we see them so. This is explained by physics.
The color of the skin, hair and eye color is determined by the presence of pigment. Iris consists of three layers, each of which has the pigment cells of brown and yellow color, which in combination give different shades of hazel eye color.
We see the eyes blue for the same reason that the sky appears blue to us: light scattering. Iris of the eye of some people only contains pigment cells, dark-brown color, and only one layer of its own. The remaining layers scatter the incident light wave blue eyes back to the surface and dark background absorbs the rest of the world. If the eye is illuminated from within, the blue waves in the dispersal would be given yellow.
It turns out that the light-eyed people look so precisely because the pigment in their eyes very dark color. Paradoxically,.
via factroom.ru
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