Nanopowder improve the properties of concrete and wood

Scholars of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University are working on a nanocomposite that could significantly improve the properties of building materials.
The work of students of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture Natalia and Tatiana Kalinin Pospelova devoted to obtaining new materials using composite construction from local raw materials - sand and saponite (waste diamond mining industry). In a combination of components between them appear very strong ties. In this case, the components can be used instead of the cement component, for example, in concrete, increasing its strength by 20 times. The work is aimed at finding the optimum combination of components.
Nanopowder prepared by scientists of the Department of composite materials and construction ecology Safa, not only improves the properties of concrete and wood. Experimentally proved that the surface treatment of wood composite material, it is more durable, fire-resistant and water resistant and cold-resistant.
The same concrete powder makes more durable and inexpensive to manufacture. Moreover, the powder is environmentally safe.
"Now we have moved to the experimental laboratory tests already directly on the concrete. In addition, we are studying the effect of temperature on building structures. While nanomaterials get into very small quantities in the future turn to more serious volume - continued Arkady Eisenstadt. - We will soon have to get a modern ball grinding machine that allows us to produce 400 grams of the mixture is not in the nano state, and 20 kilograms. We can assume that we are on the threshold of the industrial testing of nanomaterials ».
Source: www.regnum.ru
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