14 interesting facts about blood donation

We can say without exaggeration that every blood donation is necessary to save someone's life. Perhaps a loved one and a loved one, or even your own? ..
1. The word "donor" is derived from Latin. donare - «give." A person in need of transfusion and receiving donated blood is called the "recipient».
2. In the body of an adult, on average, 5, 5 liters of blood at a time from the donor take a 350-450 ml.
3. The most famous blood donor in the world during his life to about 500 liters of blood for 624 times.
4. Active donors less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and easier to tolerate blood loss during accidents and other accidents. According to the World Health Organization, the people who give blood constantly, on average live 5 years longer than the average person, t. To. They are activated hematopoietic system - cells of the bone marrow - and regular stimulation of immunity.
5. In order to ensure a sufficient amount of blood for medical purposes, there must be at least 40 donors per 1000 inhabitants. The average in Europe - 25-27, in the US and Canada - 35-40. But in Russia, unfortunately, so far only 14.
6. In the world annually produces more than 85 million blood donations. About 35% of them in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, where nearly 75% of the population.
7. Despite the fact that the need for blood donations in the metropolitan areas - at times more (because of the high accident rate) in Moscow today - less than 10 donors per 1,000 people.
8. can be donors of 10-15% of the population, but the real people who give blood, ten times less.
9. every third inhabitant of Earth at least once in life, but have to do blood transfusions. In Russia, annual blood transfusion make 1, 5 million people.
10. For a single recipient, on average, need three donors of whole blood.
11. During World War II the number of donors has reached 5, 5 mln. people. With this active army received more than 1, 7 million. Liters of stored blood, which was applied to 7 million. Transfusions during surgery.
12. World Blood Donor Day - June 14th.
13. Original rolls - the clearest example of the world of creative ideas in promoting organ donation.
If blood can be bought in the store
Give life. Donate blood
Vampire party

14. In one series of the popular 1990s TV series "Beverly Hills, 90210" (Season 2, Episode 22) Dylan gave Brenda a surprise on Valentine's Day, going with her to the hospital to donate blood. As a child, he himself needed a transfusion, and so it pays to all for your kindness. A great idea and really unusual move!
The text prepared by the ad group DRIVE adv Materials Give Life Charity Foundation and portal AdMe.
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