Resident "Skolkovo" creates a new lunar rover - "Selenokhod"

The company "Selenokhod" creates a robot to participate in the prestigious competition Commercial Space Google Lunar X PRIZE. Developers are confident that this is only the first step on the way to becoming the company's high-tech market as the creator of robotic devices and systems for space applications.
Start "Selenokhod" the moon will occur on the launch vehicle "Dnepr". Running made with one of the two bases of the rocket launchers - in Russia or Kazakhstan.
The team is also considering options to run on other domestic carriers, rocket Falcon-9, the US company SpaceX, and even flying to the moon as a passing load with another device.

After starting and testing of the first two stages wing fairing will be reset, and the ship will be released into orbit for a while. All its systems will be checked carefully, and only then start the engine booster.
Ship for the flight to the Moon consists of a propulsion system for flight clearance to the Moon (Vol. N. Booster), migratory-Lander (MRP) with a navigation system and service electronics, as well as the actual rover. The propulsion system will drive the MRP clearance to a speed sufficient to break the shackles of Earth's gravity and enter the path of the flight to the Moon. Then, it will be discarded. At the end of the path, in the area of the moon's gravitational field, landing platform and will slow down in the lunar orbit. It will be made the last inspection and preparation prior to planting.
The robot then activates its system and descend to the lunar surface. The first part of the mission will be devoted to fulfilling the terms of the competition Google Lunar X PRIZE - the robot can drive at least 500 meters on the lunar surface and transfer the land given photo and video quality. Then "Selenokhod" will assume additional tasks, such as a detailed survey of individual elements of the lunar landscape, photographs of Earth and research. Target lifetime robots on the moon - one lunar day (14 Earth days). Then the rovers will cease all operations to survive a two-week lunar night (in which the temperature can drop to -200 degrees Celsius). After sunrise, they again went to work. One of the additional prizes are awarded for the detection of traces of human presence on the moon - the old Soviet stations "Lunokhod" automatic interplanetary station "Luna" American ships "Apollo", as well as traces of astronauts. If "Selenokhod" succeed prilunitsya close to the monuments Space Race 60-70-ies of XX century, it is, of course, will drive up close to them.
When you create a lunar rover developers use as easy and simple in processing materials. These are proved carbon fiber and a group of engineers are now actively developing space suitable for variety of this material.
Source: www.selenokhod.com
Innovation Center "Skolkovo" social networks VKontakte, Twitter, facebook and Google +
Site Facility: www.sk.ru
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