10 interesting facts about left-handers

1. In many languages, the word left - synonymous: awkward, false, insincere, causing suspicion-that is, as a rule, is painted in the negative. In English synonyms left-handed means "awkward", "incompetent", "ambiguous" and "doubtful". French gauche means not only "left" and "dishonest».
2. Left-handedness was considered serious or infirmity, but even more suspicious were all activities related to the left side. Witnesses at the medieval trials of witches show that the defendant "touched the beast with his left hand," and if anyone had seen the accused avoided right, someone's house (a house that was soon fired), the fault unhappy considered practically proven. < br />
3. According to some historical records, almost a decisive role in the decision of the judges of the burning of Joan of Arc was the fact that she was left-handed.
4. In Japan, discovered his wife's left-handedness could be grounds for immediate divorce.
5. In many African tribes in Indian villages still believe that the left-hander - born poisoners, so just in case, keep them away from the kitchen. Methods retraining lefties while most brutal: the left arm burned or hurt to deprive the unfortunate Lefty opportunities to use it.
6. In extreme situations, in a state of extreme fatigue or stress when in a matter of seconds to make a decision and act - left-handed, even retrained, will always act instinctively with his left hand. In one case, when the pilot left-handed lost due to the fact that he could not find time to ring opening of the parachute, which is to the right. And what, for example, the police left-handed, if he under the charter should hang Holster Right?
7. If the left-hander is necessary to spend 20-centimeter ruler line 3 cm long, it is necessary first of brainstorming, subtract 3 from 20, and then to pursue a line of 20 to 17. The right-hander simply draws a line from zero to three. Or, for example, try to draw the arrow with his left hand mechanical clock. To do this, turn the clock upside down.
8. Men southpaw had no luck with zippers and buttons, especially on the inner pockets in the jacket or jackets. Try, if you are right-handed, left hand, fasten the buttons on his trousers.
9. The number of left-handers all the time is reduced. In the Stone Age, there were 50% in the Bronze - 25%, and now - only 5%. About 2,500 left-handed people die every year in accidents related to the use of articles intended only for right-handers.
10. Spiral staircases in medieval castles are always twisted clockwise. This is a very simple explanation - rising knights, holding a sword in his right hand, is much more difficult to fight than defending knights - right-handers. The system is good, but does not account for the case when it is a knight - left-handed. However, builders of castles were convinced that among the knights attacking lefties will not: lefties were considered associated with the devil, and the left-hander could not become a knight.
via factroom.ru
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