Facts about what will happen to you if you get into a black hole
"If you will step into a black hole, you feel like a tube of toothpaste from which someone pushes content - says the American scientist-astrophysicist Charles Liu - When an object crosses the event horizon - the point of no return from the black hole, begin to act the same laws of physics that cause tides on Earth's oceans. The gravitational force decreases with increasing distance, so the moon is closer to Earth, the stronger the effect of its attraction to our planet. The land is slightly elongated in the direction of the moon, it is very minor changes that we feel them, but the water on the surface of our planet begins to flow along the elongated axis.
Near a black hole the size of Earth gravity is much stronger, and the hole will start to stretch you towards itself, that is going to happen is that we conventionally call "sucking". Ultimately you will be stretched so that turned into a stream of subatomic particles moving in the direction of the hole. But because your brain will disintegrate into atoms almost immediately, this fact is not much time to grieve you.
Another thing, if you shall stretch the hole a little more. For example, at the event horizon of a black hole the size of a solar system, the tidal forces are not so powerful. This may allow your body to maintain the structure, but in this case you will be expected to adventure in curved space and time. Before you get into the black hole, you move in her direction with a constantly increasing speed until the speed approaches the speed of light. The faster you will be in the space, the slower your move in time until the time is not actually stop for you. Then you can see all the objects that fall into the black hole before you, with the same time, and turning - all that had in it will not fall. The whole story will appear before your eyes in an instant, from the Big Bang to the extinction of the universe. That would be the most exciting journey, which only you can imagine. If it were possible. »
via factroom.ru
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