Interstellar and relativity [SPOILERS]
Returning home after the premiere Interstellar elated I looked at the GT. The fact that over the next day I saw in the comments to the post me very sad. In this publication, I will examine several "stocks", which are spotted in the film community.
All who wonder why I believe that the commentators are wrong - invite a habrakat (gitktaymskat?).
So, here are the most common nitpicking the movie (I chose those that I have the answer):
All who wonder why I believe that the commentators are wrong - invite a habrakat (gitktaymskat?).
So, here are the most common nitpicking the movie (I chose those that I have the answer):
- From the light on a planet near a black hole?
- Why is the time on the water planet flowed more slowly than on the ship?
- A ship in the event horizon must break apart.
- The ship can not fall into a black hole, and had to hang near the horizon.
- How could he send messages, falling into a black hole?
1. Light h4> It's all very simple. We have seen that there is a black hole accretion disk. Its temperature decreases with increasing distance from the center, therefore, while the inner parts emit X-rays, and perhaps in the gamma range, external radiate in optics and light than the planet.
Where did he come from? These may be remnants of the star absorbed earlier. Perhaps when it was a dual system.
2. Time h4> In addition to the effect of relativistic time dilation associated with the movement, there is the effect of gravitational time dilation. In this case, its effect is much more pronounced effect strong gravitational field. The closer to the center of the hole, the higher modulus of the gravitational potential and stronger slowdown. The ship is at a higher orbit, so have less time dilation.
3. Tidal forces h4> The main argument Hayter and most importantly their delusion.
In fact, this is not always true. Supermassive black holes can "swallow" even the stars without breaking their tidal forces. Why tidal forces heavy BH weak?
Yes that is really there, let's assume.
The tidal force that acts on the volume element of mass m at a distance h from the center of mass of body in the gravitational field of the black hole mass M at a distance R, is equal to:
f = (2G * M / R ^ 3) * m * h. [3]
Take the R - Schwarzschild radius (the radius of the event horizon of a nonrotating black hole). Suppose the mass of Gargantua 15 * 10 ^ 12 solar masses (this is given in the book Thorne [1]), or in kilograms M = 3 * 10 ^ 43 kg.
R = 2 * G * M / c ^ 2
We substitute.
f = c ^ 6 / (2GM) ^ 2 * (mh)
It is seen that the tidal forces at the event horizon is proportional to the square of the mass of the black hole, and at the sizes of bodies countable even kilometers, near the gravitational radius Gargantua will be negligible.
On the word not believe let's estimate, taking only ten to the extent appropriate.
f = 10 ^ 48 / (10 * -22 * 10 ^ 96) m * h = 10 ^ (- 26) m * h J - it's very, very little.
4. Falling into a black hole and signaling during fall h4> Coop with his point of view is wonderful falls into a black hole. You argue that it should hang on the edge of a black hole, but this is true only in terms of infinitely distant observer
The publication ([1] c.255) Thorne quoted lecture Wheeler (described collapse of a star into a black hole):
"As a result more and more rapid fall surface collapsing star escapes from the observer faster and faster. Light moves into the red area. He was every millisecond becoming paler and paler and less than a second it gets too dark, so you can see ... stars like the Cheshire cat disappears gradually. Cat leaves a smile, and a star - only the gravitational attraction. The gravitational attraction remains, and there is no light. It is the same with the particles. B> »
For clarity, we turn to a beautiful analogy of the same book [1].
On the surface of the rubber membrane lived does not grieve ants. Ants were dyuzhe pumped, so learn to transfer information using a constant speed of rolling balls (photons local flood). Once five ants gathered near the center of the membrane and are trapped! The membrane is beginning to sag, so much so quickly that they could not get away from there. Far enough away from them was muravey- astronomer. Once the membrane is beginning to fall, the ants began to send the signal balls, so that he could follow their destiny. The collapse of the membrane leads to two effects. First, its surface is compressed by tightening the objects to the center of the failure. Secondly, the membrane becomes curved, a curved shape similar to the space around the collapsing star. As the collapse of the membrane shrinks faster and faster. Therefore, the signals ant astronomer gets through all large intervals (reddening of light). Ball number 15 was sent 15 seconds after the start of the disaster, precisely at the moment when the critical circle. This ball and stayed there forever, because there membrane shrank exactly at the speed of movement of balls. But for 0, 001 seconds ants sent the ball 14, the ball reached 999. This astronomer through 122 seconds after the start of the disaster (calculations are done here Thorne, unknown to me). Ball number 15, 001 be sucked inside.
However, ant - astronomer never know about the crash, he does not get the ball 15 or the following. And that started up before him, took so long that the ants seem that collapse has slowed down and froze at the event horizon.
Conclusion h4> What I would like to say. Very nice to see that people are interested in similar topics. But it is very unfortunate that people get into arguments and criticism, having at a rather weak base. I hope I have convinced you that you are wrong, if not - see [1], I can not quote the whole book here.
All Recommended reading [1]. Read it more as a freshman, caught my eye at the library. This is a popular science book, without formulas, reads very easily and naturally. Most importantly - do not know math, after this book, you will know and understand about black holes and other exotic objects much more. As a bonus - at the beginning of the book physically credible story about the journey to black holes, which, incidentally, vaguely discern the same Interstellar.
Sources h4> [1] K. Thorne, "Black holes and folds of time. Audacious legacy of Einstein. »
[2] Bisnovatyi, Kogan "Relativistic astrophysics and modern cosmology.»
[3] Thorne, Misner, Wheeler "Gravitation.»
P.S. H4> Lord! I will not and can not answer all of your angry comments and questions on the film. It took me enough time to search for confirmation of selected home items from reliable sources. Sure, I could write it, and so pustoslovno, but who would believe it? Besides, I have no desire for a week surrounded by cushioning books to quench your thirst to prove that you did not like the movie. The question to ask is simple. Find backed by the answer - much harder.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/241108/
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