Pure theory: is it possible to terraform a black hole?
Is there any possible way to take a black hole and transform it into a place in which to live? In the case of terraforming the Sun, for example, we know that if you do not buy a "Dyson Sphere 2000" at the cost of all the resources of the Solar system, nothing happens.
To make the star an inhabited world, for a start you will need to destroy its stellar furnace. Anyway, it's a lousy idea. "Oh look, free energy! Let's all break and build houses for themselves".
Omoshola this idea, a group of theorists decided to bring the absurd to the max. Now we wonder, is it possible to terraform a black hole.
To terraform, you need to bring the living conditions to comfortable. We need a suitable temperature with an opportunity to breathe fresh air, low level radiation, the native gravity. At temperatures inversely proportional to the mass, the temperature of a black hole of solar mass would be about one shestidesyatiletie degrees. It's a little bit above absolute zero, very very cold. Actively feeding black holes can be surrounded by a disk accretion of matter, red-hot to a temperature over 10 million degrees, which will instantly kill you. Noted temperature. Corrected her.
There is no atmosphere, just an empty vacuum of space, or the superheated plasma surrounding an actively feeding black hole. You can breathe plasma? If Yes, then you. If not, you'll have to modify it.
Cygnus X-3, the accretion disk surrounding the black hole or a neutron star
It is difficult to find a more deadly sources of radiation in the Universe. Black holes can rotate at a speed close to the speed of light, creating a massive magnetic field. These magnetic fields are surrounded by energetic particles, creating lethal doses of radiation. Around supermassive black holes, moving at nearly the speed of light, spin huge bundles of these high-energy particles. Submit it to the list to fix.
Black holes are known as an excellent source of gravity. In orbit it's not so bad. Replace our Sun by a black hole the same mass and you will not feel the difference. The problem seems to be solved? Not really. If you try to step on the surface of a black hole, you will instantly shred in the nuclear juice and will shrink in pixel.
Gravity has to be reduced. Will do.
As you probably already know, there is nothing that could affect a black hole. You can't dump it comets to provide the atmosphere, you only further provoke her. You can't burn her substance with the laser beam to reduce the weight, your laser will only inflate a black hole.
Antimatter, explosions, stars, stone, scissors, paper, the black hole always wins.
All we can do is to wait until it will evaporate through an incredible amount of time. However, this strategy has its disadvantages, for example, the black hole will remain so until you evaporate the last two particles. There is no threshold after which a black hole will magically turn into a planetoid.
Let's go over the options. A black hole can move as the Ground. Move the stuff closer to the black hole and you move it by gravity. You can get her to spin faster, throwing her stuff, but however you make it more massive. With this set of tools we will never stay at this facility.
Perhaps a black hole could wrap a Dyson sphere, as a star. Also, it turns out there is a way to milk this crazy pet. Dumping stuff into a black hole that is spinning near the speed of light you can extract from it energy.
Imagine that you have the asteroid, which was formed by two large rocks. As they come closer and closer to the black hole, tidal forces tear them apart. One piece falls into a black hole, and the smaller remains smaller collective mass, which allows him to escape. This remaining stone steals rotational energy from a black hole, which very slightly slows down its rotation.
This Penrose process is named after the physicist who developed the idea. Astronomers have calculated that you can get 20% clean energy out of matter dropped into a black hole. But it's not so much that you could recapture their investment. Although, you will be able to indulge in a sense, similar to what is born when you throw stones from a bridge and watching as they disappear.
Terraforming of a black hole is probably the worst idea that may come to mind man. But she can stay in the framework of the thought experiment.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hi-news.ru
To make the star an inhabited world, for a start you will need to destroy its stellar furnace. Anyway, it's a lousy idea. "Oh look, free energy! Let's all break and build houses for themselves".
Omoshola this idea, a group of theorists decided to bring the absurd to the max. Now we wonder, is it possible to terraform a black hole.
To terraform, you need to bring the living conditions to comfortable. We need a suitable temperature with an opportunity to breathe fresh air, low level radiation, the native gravity. At temperatures inversely proportional to the mass, the temperature of a black hole of solar mass would be about one shestidesyatiletie degrees. It's a little bit above absolute zero, very very cold. Actively feeding black holes can be surrounded by a disk accretion of matter, red-hot to a temperature over 10 million degrees, which will instantly kill you. Noted temperature. Corrected her.
There is no atmosphere, just an empty vacuum of space, or the superheated plasma surrounding an actively feeding black hole. You can breathe plasma? If Yes, then you. If not, you'll have to modify it.
Cygnus X-3, the accretion disk surrounding the black hole or a neutron star
It is difficult to find a more deadly sources of radiation in the Universe. Black holes can rotate at a speed close to the speed of light, creating a massive magnetic field. These magnetic fields are surrounded by energetic particles, creating lethal doses of radiation. Around supermassive black holes, moving at nearly the speed of light, spin huge bundles of these high-energy particles. Submit it to the list to fix.
Black holes are known as an excellent source of gravity. In orbit it's not so bad. Replace our Sun by a black hole the same mass and you will not feel the difference. The problem seems to be solved? Not really. If you try to step on the surface of a black hole, you will instantly shred in the nuclear juice and will shrink in pixel.
Gravity has to be reduced. Will do.
As you probably already know, there is nothing that could affect a black hole. You can't dump it comets to provide the atmosphere, you only further provoke her. You can't burn her substance with the laser beam to reduce the weight, your laser will only inflate a black hole.
Antimatter, explosions, stars, stone, scissors, paper, the black hole always wins.
All we can do is to wait until it will evaporate through an incredible amount of time. However, this strategy has its disadvantages, for example, the black hole will remain so until you evaporate the last two particles. There is no threshold after which a black hole will magically turn into a planetoid.
Let's go over the options. A black hole can move as the Ground. Move the stuff closer to the black hole and you move it by gravity. You can get her to spin faster, throwing her stuff, but however you make it more massive. With this set of tools we will never stay at this facility.
Perhaps a black hole could wrap a Dyson sphere, as a star. Also, it turns out there is a way to milk this crazy pet. Dumping stuff into a black hole that is spinning near the speed of light you can extract from it energy.
Imagine that you have the asteroid, which was formed by two large rocks. As they come closer and closer to the black hole, tidal forces tear them apart. One piece falls into a black hole, and the smaller remains smaller collective mass, which allows him to escape. This remaining stone steals rotational energy from a black hole, which very slightly slows down its rotation.
This Penrose process is named after the physicist who developed the idea. Astronomers have calculated that you can get 20% clean energy out of matter dropped into a black hole. But it's not so much that you could recapture their investment. Although, you will be able to indulge in a sense, similar to what is born when you throw stones from a bridge and watching as they disappear.
Terraforming of a black hole is probably the worst idea that may come to mind man. But she can stay in the framework of the thought experiment.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hi-news.ru