7 important facts about tick-borne infections

1. Tick-borne infections very much. In addition to encephalitis and borreliosis, which is more or less at the hearing, it is also babesiosis, rickettsiosis, anaplasmosis granutsitarny, monocytic ehrlichiosis, and others. All this happiness you get, you just tick bite - activators of all this shit live in its saliva. However, not every tick, and not a complete set.
2. Encephalitis. With an excellent scenario got off lightly, with good - will die. But most likely you will paralyze. Rather hand, or one of them. It is not forever is repaired. In addition, you can go blind and / or deaf.
Keep in mind the following: if you tick kusanul in European territories is likely to cost. We do not really and ticks are infected - according to various estimates from a few percent to a few tenths of a percent, and die from encephalitis 2 persons from 1000. But this does not mean that you are lucky for you.
If you are bitten by a tick in Siberia or the Far East, everything is much sadder. You can get encephalitis Far East, and from there out of 100 cases die 80. Perhaps, this figure would be somewhat smaller, if not the level of financing of medicine and "lightness" dobiraniya to hospitals in this region, but even taking into account these factors, it is scary.
3. borreliosis. All starts with a high temperature and red and rings on the site of the bite (scientifically - erythema). Then our favorite paralysis, but this time no problems with her hands and face. Then, joint problems (e.g., wild pain in them, to the extent that it is impossible to move), heart, eye, ear. Then the skin becomes thin, dry like parchment paper, and there is a bluish spots. In general, the problem becomes much, and yet so different.
4. What is not bitten: vaccinated against encephalitis. Right now it's too late to do it, but if you think about it next February, just shake the season to make it. Keep in mind that it is a three-stage - will chop three times at regular intervals. If you have already suffered from encephalitis, then you have a life-long immunity. Or if you get sick again - will be a new word in medicine. Vaccination is the most effective thing you can think.
From borreliosis vaccination impossible. Again, even if you are already sick, nothing prevents you from catching it again.
5. What to do if you are bitten. First - gently pull out the tick or a loop of thread, either by using the oil to facilitate the entry of the head of the tick. If, however, tore his head to pick out her now as a splinter with a needle. Do not forget to calcined needle in a flame lighters.
Second - We thrust the tick in a jar, a bottle, which is shorter than anything to take to the lab. Mites are not we press.
Third - renting a tick on the analysis in SES. If the tick has appeared sick, it does not mean that you have 100% of patients. As a precaution you feed pellets.
The fourth - 10 days after being bitten by donating blood on Lyme disease and encephalitis. The research method - PCR. After 2 weeks - to encephalitis immunoglobulin M through Z a week - on IgM to borreliosis. In general, the ideal is all you have to tell the doctor, but the ideal is not always. With the test results (positive), we go to the doctor. Do not pull with the campaign. The same borreliosis very well treated, if treated in the early stages of his.
6. Chronic error:
- Ticks do not jump on you from the trees. They do not jump. They crawl out of the grass or shrubs with (greater than 1-1, 5 m in the bush tick usually does not rise).
- If you have encephalitis / Lyme disease is not contagious to others - you can sneeze on them as you want. But if you have encephalitis and you - are breast-feeding, have a chance to pass it to the baby through the milk. By the way, you can earn encephalitis, drinking cow and goat milk (unboiled).
7. There are tick-borne infections, which are not so terrible as encephalitis with Lyme disease, and found them just a couple of decades ago. Accordingly, they have no means to check each facility. So, if after a tick bite results on Lyme disease with encephalitis are negative, but you have already the second month wallow in the hospital with fever, pain throughout the body, diarrhea, and a diagnosis of "acute respiratory viral infection in question" - look good infectious disease. Because it is possible that you have, for example, granulatsitarny anaplasmosis. Chances are you will survive, and the consequences ogrebet that borreliozniki - entsefalitniki. But 2 months in the hospital with an unclear diagnosis - this is the worst way to spend the summer.
Author: titikaka
via factroom.ru