In China, there is a "village with the longest hair in the world"

Village Huanlu (Gulin, China) has about 82 households, which are home to an ethnic group Yao. It got its name from the traditional dress in red tones.

Unusual village attracts many tourists. Like many other Chinese villages Huanlu has its appeal, by following the old traditions. So much for the women of this village hair are the most valuable asset. The village has entered the Guinness World Records as the village with the longest hair in the world, which is not surprising, given the average length of hair 1, 7 meters from the local residents. The longest hair of one of the 120 members of the fairer sex in the village Huanlu have a length of 2, 1 meter.

Representatives Yao believe that long hair brings longevity, wealth and good fortune. The longer the hair, the happier they will be the owner.
Hair plays an important role in the lives of women Yao. A few years ago they were considered so valuable that no one except her husband and children were not allowed to look at the loose hair. In summer and autumn, when the women went to the river to wash your hair, they hid her hair under a blue scarf, as they had seen only one man who would be her husband. Enjoy the beauty of women's hair long man could not before the wedding day. If a foreigner or local resident happened to see a woman with her hair, he was forced to spend three years with the women in the family as a son in law. But all these traditions were abolished in 1987, and now Yao women can proudly show their jet-black hair, without worrying about the consequences.

Representatives of the ethnic group Yao can cut your hair only once in life when they turn 16 years old and they are entitled to seek the bride. But hair is not thrown away. Grandmother girl should build one special decorative headdress. When a girl gets married, the groom give the hair, and then they become part of everyday hairstyles women.
Such hair consists of three beams. One of them - ordinary hair that grows every day. The second - a special headpiece. And finally, the third - a hairpiece of the day dropped the hair that every woman painstakingly collected throughout the day. Weaving these beams gather in elaborate hairstyles, speaking about the social status of the owner.
If your hair is simply wrapped around the head, which means that a woman is married, but the children she does not have. If your hair is packed in a small bundle on his head - she has a husband and children. If a woman covers her head with a handkerchief - she is looking for the groom.
via factroom.ru