In the 1970s, he had an operation to transplant monkey head

Experiments Vladimir Demihov a two-headed dog (1954) gave rise to a kind of "surgical arms race" between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Americans, of course, tried in every way to prove that they are the best surgeons. That is why the government has agreed to fund the project neurosurgeon Robert J. Cleveland State University. White. The result was a series of experimental surgery at the center of the study of the brain in Cleveland, which was the pinnacle of a successful transplant monkey head.

The event took place March 14, 1970 th and required several hours of hard work of the doctor and his assistants. During the operation, the head of one monkey was separated and transplanted to another body. When the animal awoke, it was able to understand that his body changed: monkey angrily watched the people and clicked with the teeth. Complications from the surgery did not allow the animal to live longer than one and a half days; et al. White said that it would be easier to transplant the head back, rather than fight for life.
Scientists believe that the public will welcome his experiments and their results, but they, on the contrary, horrified and scared off everyone. However, that has not stopped researchers: he launched a campaign to raise funds for transplant surgery human head. Was found even the first volunteer for this operation - Craig Vetovits paralyzed. Today, the public did not accept the idea of a human head transplant, but Robert White, a leading neurosurgeon of Cleveland, is still trying to realize the idea, is in search of like-minded associates.
via factroom.ru
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