The Christian missionary who wanted to translate the Bible into the language of banquets, after communicating with the natives became an atheist

People feasts - a wonderful tribe. Its representatives can not count, try to stay awake as long as possible, change their names every 6-7 years and have their own special and unique definition of truth. It is this concept and made the American writer, researcher and Christian missionary Daniel Leonard Everett lose faith in which he was going to pay pirahtsev.
Everett and his wife set a goal: to translate the Bible into all languages of the world. Communicating with the tribe feasts, learning their language and philosophy of life, Everett attempted to relate the spiritual guidance of the South American poludikarey and dogmas of the Christian faith, to the most simple language to explain the feasts what is said in the divine book. However, with the missionary suffered embarrassment: the deeper he plunges into a world feasts, the greater the doubt assailed him about Christianity in general, and its mission in particular. The case ended with a complete loss of faith, what, however, Everett told no one and hid this fact during the 15 years of his life.
After the unfortunate missionary confessed everything to his family, calling himself an atheist, he was followed by an immediate divorce and rupture of relations with God-fearing children. At the moment, the writer married again and he was given to restore good relations with relatives.
via factroom.ru