Thousands of men have been arrested in Afghanistan hairstyle like Leonardo DiCaprio in "Titanic"
Despite the strict laws and prohibitions during the reign of the Taliban, "Titanic", though, three years after the world premiere, yet was shown in Afghanistan and immediately gained immense popularity. After watching the men lined up at the hairdresser to make a hairstyle like Jack Dawson, the character Leonardo DiCaprio. The Taliban government, the purpose of which was the creation of an ideal Islamic state, it's not like - while in Afghanistan cultivated contempt for everything that came from the West.
Religious police are responsible for compliance with stringent rules of Islam, including the ban on shaving, arrested dozens of hairdressers for what they have done to their young clients in hairstyles inspired by "Titanic" style. Young people wearing such haircut, were also arrested.
A total of 30 barbers were detained, others were warned of strict punishment if customers continue to cut their hair the same way. From the comments to reporters' questions on this issue, the Taliban refused.
via factroom.ru
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