Psychopathy may be beneficial

Psychopaths we usually call people who are prone to aggression, devoid of empathy and conscience and enjoy manipulating others. Generally, the attitude of society to such negative individuals. This psychopaths have not gone away, and from time to time continue to appear among normal people.
Scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles, led by Matthew Gervais decided to find out why. They conducted an experiment - a mentally normal 19-year-old students were divided into two groups. Subjects were assigned to talk on any topic distracted for about ten minutes. After that, the participants filled out questionnaires, which were supposed to express agreement or disagreement with statements such as "I accept the decision, in accordance with their own interests only," or "I often get angry when not agree with me».

Thereafter, all subjects were given a bit of money, which could leave or give yourself or your partner. But in this case the partner has received twice as much - if each were given three dollars, then the result will be a partner of nine because the amount received from you has doubled, and the three "friends" he has kept. The one who gave, in which case there's nothing left.
There are three possible scenarios: both partners give their money to each other and both get double the amount, or one divided and the other leaves the money for himself or a third option - the two left the money at home, and then they received initially the amount does not change.
It turned out those respondents who scored the most points at the end of the test for psychopathy, left the money to himself when not feel the respect from your partner and know that never in my life any more will not see it, and thus received nine dollars. In terms of social interaction, such a choice was the worst, but in terms of benefits - psychopathy has allowed these people to appropriate money without suffering any psychological discomfort.
via factroom.ru
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