Eötvös effect allows you to "outrun" gravity

Very seldom physical effects get his name in honor of the Baron, and even less physical experiments are carried out in the course of naval maneuvers. The effect shows that how much you feel the force of gravity depends on which direction you are moving.
Our planet rotates from west to east, and we were lucky that we live on a planet as big as the Earth, because the rotating body smaller would long ago have blown off from the surface and was cast in the sun. This would happen because of all rotating bodies pushed subjects that are on them, "the outside».

Imagine that the bus in which you are traveling, makes a sharp turn. In this case, you throws to the wall - a phenomenon similar to Earth's rotation. But in the case of the Earth you can not fly away from the planet's surface due to gravity. If our planet was a little more hollow inside, we would, of course, do not fly away into space, but gravity would affect us less of an impact, and we have all the time felt something like a feeling that occurs when riding in a high-speed elevator. The same feeling we had would be if the Earth at its present mass would begin to spin faster and thus more "pushing" objects from the surface. Despite the fact that the force of gravity in this case, would remain the same as now, your subjective feelings would inform you that it has become less.
So, if you jump in the car or the boat and incur the east, the speed of your own can be added to the Earth's rotation. Of course, compared to the speed of the planet is insignificant your speed, but you will still be able to notice that when driving due east will become like a little easier, and you will have less pull down.
It is this effect and noticed the Hungarian Baron Loránd Eötvös in experiments conducted on ships at sea. He was a respected professor of physics, and, in addition, Baron, so after much labor was able to persuade the captains send their ships first to the east and then to the west. His calculations were confirmed experimentally, and since such effect is called gravitational fluctuations Eötvös.
via factroom.ru
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