Parrots prefer "pie in the sky"

The experiment showed that the concept of the "bird in the hand" and "pie in the sky", that is, the ability to choose between close and distant small benefit, but more promising, is not only in humans but also in parrots.
In studies of zoologists from the University of Vienna under the direction of Alice Auersperg Goffin Cockatoo gave pecan. This bird is seen that the second hand there is giving something. Surprisingly, not a cockatoo ate a walnut already received immediately, but waited to see if he had received from a man with something better. If in the other hand has a more delicious cashew, the cockatoos swapped his pecan him. And if tasty nuts in the hand is much, the exchange of birds with greater hunting. If, however, it was exactly the same pecans, then he ate his parrot produced the first nut. As a rule, all the birds on which to experiment, waited an average of 80 seconds - half a minute to think.
via factroom.ru
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