In France, "megabytes" is called "megaoktetom" because "megabytes" sounds like a bad word for the French
Octet - a unit of information in computer technology and telecommunications, consisting of eight bits. This term is often used when the term "byte" could be interpreted ambiguously, because historically there was no standard definition of size bytes.
In France, the French part of Canada and Romania, commonly used word "Octet" and "megabytes", respectively, it is called "megaoktetom" because the French word "byte" is consonant with the word "cock." Agree, sounds inappropriate.
However, the term "octet" is not quite clear - it is often used in business applications (RFC) Internet Engineering Task Force to describe the parameters of network protocols. The earliest example is RFC 635 by the year 1974. Then, the byte size depended on the platform and able to accommodate a different number of bits.
Due to the influence of several major computer architectures and product lines of bytes in the vast majority became connected with eight bits. This byte value is fixed in the standard ISO / IEC 80000-13. Currently, the terms "bytes" and "Octet" are synonymous.
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Reduction of OMG was first used in a letter to Churchill