In France, the defiled monument
In June 2011, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and French Prime Minister Francois Fillon unveiled a monument to the so-called Russian Legion. Speech on the Russian expeditionary corps, which in 1916 in haste will last Russian Tsar sent for the salvation of France. Her time here was about to wipe off the map German boots. Forty-five thousand Russian soldiers are actually closed in Paris. On public display at last put a fact of history, which for a long time - almost a century, nothing was known in Russia and carefully overlooked in France. Now notice. And even with a challenge ...
But this year, Russian bronze soldier was desecrated by vandals! But you never know their tricks of the account have decayed alive geeks? That's only monument to this - my grandfather ...
On the circumstances that my grandfather did not extend to campaign. As with a lot else. The fact, for example, that it is an ancient Cossack clan - one of those that at the time was based in Kiev and Chernigov medieval principalities, who were subsequently referred to the Ukraine. Rhode covered on the southern border of Russia, while the Turks, Krymchaks century hunted bandit raids on the trade routes Polovtzy then transformed into Cherkasov. In Pushkin's time to remember more about it. Open it "Poltava", "Mary, poor Mary, Cherkasy Beauty daughters. You do not know What the serpent on caressing her breast ... ". By the way, Mary is actually called Matryona. But the poetic muse sickens rough note prose. And the author's will - the law. With "warmed by serpents" easier. They are to this day, as they say, a dime a dozen. Suffice it to join the Ukrainian television network.
Next kind of keeps to this day the Russian-Ukrainian border. It's about the city - Maslova Pier that bears the name Mikula Ivanovich Maslov. Although the genus there is a deeper story, but this is the lord is brought in the Book of the Registered Cossacks of Ukraine. Complex family ties were maintained until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. After Wolf ford rivers on which today regarding a reliable bridge, chalk hill, past the barely visible today shafts Turkish outpost, through the famous Fish Way - only three or four hours on a pair of horse. Back soon - downhill horse ran with greater agility and downhill smashed to pieces, no strong sleigh. On the top edge of the Cretaceous shift is still clearly visible and ancestral villages, and Scythian burial mounds on their perimeter, and thickets of thorns, viscous taste the fruits of which were stuffed into fragrant grandmother's pies. Grandma did not recognize "the treasury of bread" and bake only your - on hops. Twice a month. It laid out the broad bench, covered with old homespun cloth embroidered with signs and amulets remain fresh until the next heating Abraham did. Grandma baking, cold milk from the cellar under the smell of wormwood steppe - acute childhood memory ...
In one of his visits to the summer vacation to learn that in the classroom, I started to learn French, the grandfather decided to make the exam. After dinner and personally permitted grandmother stack, suddenly asked a squint shining eyes: "And Tell me my dear eldest grandson, as well as the will of French bread?» «Le pain» - waved me, annoyed that his grandfather distracts from more important Affairs of the old gentry baths. «Du pain», - bitterly sighed grandfather and released to the world. Then the dust soared behind. But I remember.
At the undergraduate Petrograd University, where under the supervision of teachers, not only the "rules of pronunciation", clarifies who is the first in the French army must salute when two equal knowledge of the officers, but also plenty of heads in other important stuff. For example, the peculiarities of the French landscape in certain areas of it, the details, as they say today, the mentality of the French themselves, their way of life. There before me, and finally sailed Dedov clarify the meaning. The composite article to the noun in this case is part of a whole. That is, we are not talking about bread as such, but, speaking in Russian, his piece.
Straightening curly curl thoughts. Russian Expeditionary Corps, having lost half of the composition, while sipping trendy martial gas noisily celebrate the victory at Verdun, in Champagne, and Macedonia, has already passed then the parade through the streets of Paris. Screaming woman "Hurrah!" And threw up their bonnets into the air. ... And the generals in their minds were the future evaluation of memoirs: "If France has not been erased from the map of Europe, primarily due to the courage of Russian soldiers" (Marshal Foch). So it is written - Russian with a capital letter.
However, this did not prevent Ferdinand Foshu, Supreme Commander of the Entente, put in a return visit to Russia - as one of the organizers of armed intervention against it. The visit did not take, and the French once again settled back home. But this is the way. It is that to fulfill its mission of fighting the body immediately after the revolution began to demand to send back home - in Russia. Suck in heartfelt poems Nozhkina Michael: "I'm in Russia, home ... I want to." But France to continue the war until victory, Russian fight for her no longer want Russian Revolution noise. And the French are "wise European decision" within their own vaunted values and concepts of democracy - decorated with laurels winner disarm body, wished to fight for France are sent to the front, did not wish - to labor camps. Read concentration, with all their known practice concentration camp dormitory. This one's grandfather gave its subconscious memory of a piece of bread. And the ability to shave - when one blade fashioned razor then give two hundred soldiers. Admission sharpening grandfather showed on the glass ...
Concentration camp for defenders - he is the concentration camp, no matter how called. They also remain. He was not a fluke, multiplied by the circumstances. Most regularity. The mass of documents on Russian Legion in France explicitly states that its French defenders are not very much and privechali. Forty-five thousand Russian troops arrived to the shores of the Rhone and Garonne without proper medical support. Whether in a hurry, or we hoped for allies, or would like to score ships in Arkhangelsk as possible a large number of soldiers. In short, their doctors and hospitals marching corps had. But there were losses.
Poisoning, died of wounds and diseases in the land of France, left more than half of the members of the military expedition. The French pressed the Nicholas II - were more! Paris was ready to accept up to 400 thousand. Russian bayonets. Europe has always and readily washed off their own problems of Russian blood flows ... Who could have been saved, placed in its stationary hospitals on a selected mercy bystanders - on the stone floors in the corridors and a bit of attention from the staff. It is celebrated in all the memoirs of participants in those events.
This is the same attitude we see now in the barbarism of the monument to the defenders of old France. So the new generation it has decided to mark their solidarity with Russian odnovyrodkami of the infamous "Puxi Ryan" - "Sverbyaschimi limber," so it seems to be translated. Europe, consciously and systematically expanding our young people, especially laid own. What are the results of this it will already guessed. But these seeds have long laid in fertile soil.
With such an encounter is not the first time. For a long time told in the pages of "Moscow News" Soviet and foreign readers about the history of the battle tank, donated by the French Marshal L.Govorovym. As a sign of front soratnichestva. For a while, a unique combat vehicle with its own history and the history of one of her crew stood on the Esplanade des Invalides in Paris. Then disappeared without a trace. The French do not want our history. Even the signs of the past. Its seems, too.
Of the many images Expeditionary Force in France, saved the white emigration, striking precisely this - pass on the Champs Elysees in Paris army corps. Not the best in quality, but with a clearly expressed idea - Russian are coming! And when I speak Russian, you always have mean union of the peoples who gathered ancestors, and, above all Russian ethnic group, within the boundaries of the so-called large spatial Bowls.
The natural shield for our security in the framework of the Eurasian continent. These boundaries are trying to destroy, divide, spread under different pretexts apart. Under the banner of the famous Jesuit slogan - divide and conquer! And the process is not started today. Now he just continues. There have been times and worse. BORO biting almost the entire perimeter of its borders. Using different techniques. Including the so-called Mazepin offspring. It is justified, something justifies. But it is not even trying to understand what signs the sentence itself. Let's look at these pieces seem to have fallen away. Dwarfs Baltic States, Ukraine, and the same forever ambitious Poland ... pathetic. The loss of everything. Under the guidance of a well-thought-out Evropin. Starting and ending the culture of economy. Not to mention the crumbs of the same independence. Europe needs sodomistkaya culture and morality, and no economy on the outskirts of Ukraine. Is that the raw material and inventory sales ...
... This year, together with my younger brother Vladimir organized, so to speak, a mini-expedition - to the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Desna. We seek to find traces of the economic activity of the Huns as a precursor of the nucleus of the Rus, Belarusians and Ukrainians. Found in abundance, and not only them. The result requires a separate detailed conversation. As part of a note that came across a lot of different, drop down from the topic.
In a conversation with one of the experts in the area - Sergey Panov, the commander of the search party "Blagovest", hiking in places of battles as the remains of our restless and Wehrmacht soldiers, we heard the following. In one of the local forests Sergey found solidly arranged dugout of the Great Patriotic War. Opened entrance. Shelter turned German sapper field warehouse, with almost perfect preservation. On the whole it still racks were laid mines with marks many European countries, of different designs and purposes. Apart from them - strictly according to instructions, were detonators, wrapped neatly in a German paper.
Out of curiosity, Sergei turned one of wrappers and in the light of a lantern drew attention not so much on the device to activate the explosion itself but rather on a scrap of paper sheets from the front "divizionki." One of its illustrations provide readers with little girl of ten years with the Soviet pioneer tie on the chest. Most likely, the picture was taken from the family album to some of the local huts. On the other - the same child pereklade hung on the gate. In the loop of his own tie. Such a clarity of visual front-line professional propagandists Wehrmacht raised the morale of the German soldiers. A kind of instruction - how to direct the true European order in the occupied territories. "War - a tragedy for all its participants. But there is nothing more cynical in their search practice, I have not seen - then said Sergey. - The case forced me to take a very different and the Germans, and our soldiers who stood in their way ».
Just one example of private practice engendered by Europe of Nazism. It would seem, crushed, abolished, condemned. But when you see a procession through the streets of Kiev Ukrainian nationalists column with this same ideology at the ready, you clearly realize that it is demanded. And, above all, not only silent about such demonstrations Europe, but challenging them. She still desired. And, above all, for the destruction of Russian descent field. Since the marginal-Ukrainian part. And destroys. The approaches from different angles ...
... At one time I had the opportunity to continue acquaintance with the culture of the West. And exactly the same in France. A pipe dream for many. But, realizing that for me personally it is more confident transformed into reality, consulted - with himself, and came to the conclusion that the practice of 30-string international journalist, or anyone out there still, all its prestige, benefits, prospects I do not care . And prepare a place in Central Asia. A curious area and the same people. Namazga, Afrasiab were then at the hearing. I saw and touched with their own hands a lot more than expected. But, most importantly, very quickly came to realize that this is where the keys from both the last of the Great Russia and its future. And it did. My mentor told me Language goodbye: "On his decision still sorry!". Alas, time somehow not found. And in its conservation of Asian home still I feel as confident as in Kiev.
... More recently, in Kharkiv - at the grave of his grandfather in the native village of the ancestors, a monument. Instead, his cross obsolete. He insisted on it instead of the duty of self-consolation of words "love and remember" knocked out, "Ivan Mikhailovich Maslov. Defending Paris and Sevastopol. But the bitter fate of the Russian soldiers ... ».
By the same. Assessing the current void of understanding passages Ukrainian leaders and their subservience hard environment with its chronic current saliva - relatively "euroelections" always remember the classic. The fact that said: "Europe in relation to Russia has always been as ignorant as ungrateful." (Pushkin) and add on my own - and how many times while more and blatantly criminal. Well then surprised a long time Ukrainian tangible results this way?
But this year, Russian bronze soldier was desecrated by vandals! But you never know their tricks of the account have decayed alive geeks? That's only monument to this - my grandfather ...
On the circumstances that my grandfather did not extend to campaign. As with a lot else. The fact, for example, that it is an ancient Cossack clan - one of those that at the time was based in Kiev and Chernigov medieval principalities, who were subsequently referred to the Ukraine. Rhode covered on the southern border of Russia, while the Turks, Krymchaks century hunted bandit raids on the trade routes Polovtzy then transformed into Cherkasov. In Pushkin's time to remember more about it. Open it "Poltava", "Mary, poor Mary, Cherkasy Beauty daughters. You do not know What the serpent on caressing her breast ... ". By the way, Mary is actually called Matryona. But the poetic muse sickens rough note prose. And the author's will - the law. With "warmed by serpents" easier. They are to this day, as they say, a dime a dozen. Suffice it to join the Ukrainian television network.

Next kind of keeps to this day the Russian-Ukrainian border. It's about the city - Maslova Pier that bears the name Mikula Ivanovich Maslov. Although the genus there is a deeper story, but this is the lord is brought in the Book of the Registered Cossacks of Ukraine. Complex family ties were maintained until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. After Wolf ford rivers on which today regarding a reliable bridge, chalk hill, past the barely visible today shafts Turkish outpost, through the famous Fish Way - only three or four hours on a pair of horse. Back soon - downhill horse ran with greater agility and downhill smashed to pieces, no strong sleigh. On the top edge of the Cretaceous shift is still clearly visible and ancestral villages, and Scythian burial mounds on their perimeter, and thickets of thorns, viscous taste the fruits of which were stuffed into fragrant grandmother's pies. Grandma did not recognize "the treasury of bread" and bake only your - on hops. Twice a month. It laid out the broad bench, covered with old homespun cloth embroidered with signs and amulets remain fresh until the next heating Abraham did. Grandma baking, cold milk from the cellar under the smell of wormwood steppe - acute childhood memory ...
In one of his visits to the summer vacation to learn that in the classroom, I started to learn French, the grandfather decided to make the exam. After dinner and personally permitted grandmother stack, suddenly asked a squint shining eyes: "And Tell me my dear eldest grandson, as well as the will of French bread?» «Le pain» - waved me, annoyed that his grandfather distracts from more important Affairs of the old gentry baths. «Du pain», - bitterly sighed grandfather and released to the world. Then the dust soared behind. But I remember.
At the undergraduate Petrograd University, where under the supervision of teachers, not only the "rules of pronunciation", clarifies who is the first in the French army must salute when two equal knowledge of the officers, but also plenty of heads in other important stuff. For example, the peculiarities of the French landscape in certain areas of it, the details, as they say today, the mentality of the French themselves, their way of life. There before me, and finally sailed Dedov clarify the meaning. The composite article to the noun in this case is part of a whole. That is, we are not talking about bread as such, but, speaking in Russian, his piece.
Straightening curly curl thoughts. Russian Expeditionary Corps, having lost half of the composition, while sipping trendy martial gas noisily celebrate the victory at Verdun, in Champagne, and Macedonia, has already passed then the parade through the streets of Paris. Screaming woman "Hurrah!" And threw up their bonnets into the air. ... And the generals in their minds were the future evaluation of memoirs: "If France has not been erased from the map of Europe, primarily due to the courage of Russian soldiers" (Marshal Foch). So it is written - Russian with a capital letter.
However, this did not prevent Ferdinand Foshu, Supreme Commander of the Entente, put in a return visit to Russia - as one of the organizers of armed intervention against it. The visit did not take, and the French once again settled back home. But this is the way. It is that to fulfill its mission of fighting the body immediately after the revolution began to demand to send back home - in Russia. Suck in heartfelt poems Nozhkina Michael: "I'm in Russia, home ... I want to." But France to continue the war until victory, Russian fight for her no longer want Russian Revolution noise. And the French are "wise European decision" within their own vaunted values and concepts of democracy - decorated with laurels winner disarm body, wished to fight for France are sent to the front, did not wish - to labor camps. Read concentration, with all their known practice concentration camp dormitory. This one's grandfather gave its subconscious memory of a piece of bread. And the ability to shave - when one blade fashioned razor then give two hundred soldiers. Admission sharpening grandfather showed on the glass ...
Concentration camp for defenders - he is the concentration camp, no matter how called. They also remain. He was not a fluke, multiplied by the circumstances. Most regularity. The mass of documents on Russian Legion in France explicitly states that its French defenders are not very much and privechali. Forty-five thousand Russian troops arrived to the shores of the Rhone and Garonne without proper medical support. Whether in a hurry, or we hoped for allies, or would like to score ships in Arkhangelsk as possible a large number of soldiers. In short, their doctors and hospitals marching corps had. But there were losses.
Poisoning, died of wounds and diseases in the land of France, left more than half of the members of the military expedition. The French pressed the Nicholas II - were more! Paris was ready to accept up to 400 thousand. Russian bayonets. Europe has always and readily washed off their own problems of Russian blood flows ... Who could have been saved, placed in its stationary hospitals on a selected mercy bystanders - on the stone floors in the corridors and a bit of attention from the staff. It is celebrated in all the memoirs of participants in those events.
This is the same attitude we see now in the barbarism of the monument to the defenders of old France. So the new generation it has decided to mark their solidarity with Russian odnovyrodkami of the infamous "Puxi Ryan" - "Sverbyaschimi limber," so it seems to be translated. Europe, consciously and systematically expanding our young people, especially laid own. What are the results of this it will already guessed. But these seeds have long laid in fertile soil.
With such an encounter is not the first time. For a long time told in the pages of "Moscow News" Soviet and foreign readers about the history of the battle tank, donated by the French Marshal L.Govorovym. As a sign of front soratnichestva. For a while, a unique combat vehicle with its own history and the history of one of her crew stood on the Esplanade des Invalides in Paris. Then disappeared without a trace. The French do not want our history. Even the signs of the past. Its seems, too.
Of the many images Expeditionary Force in France, saved the white emigration, striking precisely this - pass on the Champs Elysees in Paris army corps. Not the best in quality, but with a clearly expressed idea - Russian are coming! And when I speak Russian, you always have mean union of the peoples who gathered ancestors, and, above all Russian ethnic group, within the boundaries of the so-called large spatial Bowls.
The natural shield for our security in the framework of the Eurasian continent. These boundaries are trying to destroy, divide, spread under different pretexts apart. Under the banner of the famous Jesuit slogan - divide and conquer! And the process is not started today. Now he just continues. There have been times and worse. BORO biting almost the entire perimeter of its borders. Using different techniques. Including the so-called Mazepin offspring. It is justified, something justifies. But it is not even trying to understand what signs the sentence itself. Let's look at these pieces seem to have fallen away. Dwarfs Baltic States, Ukraine, and the same forever ambitious Poland ... pathetic. The loss of everything. Under the guidance of a well-thought-out Evropin. Starting and ending the culture of economy. Not to mention the crumbs of the same independence. Europe needs sodomistkaya culture and morality, and no economy on the outskirts of Ukraine. Is that the raw material and inventory sales ...
... This year, together with my younger brother Vladimir organized, so to speak, a mini-expedition - to the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Desna. We seek to find traces of the economic activity of the Huns as a precursor of the nucleus of the Rus, Belarusians and Ukrainians. Found in abundance, and not only them. The result requires a separate detailed conversation. As part of a note that came across a lot of different, drop down from the topic.
In a conversation with one of the experts in the area - Sergey Panov, the commander of the search party "Blagovest", hiking in places of battles as the remains of our restless and Wehrmacht soldiers, we heard the following. In one of the local forests Sergey found solidly arranged dugout of the Great Patriotic War. Opened entrance. Shelter turned German sapper field warehouse, with almost perfect preservation. On the whole it still racks were laid mines with marks many European countries, of different designs and purposes. Apart from them - strictly according to instructions, were detonators, wrapped neatly in a German paper.
Out of curiosity, Sergei turned one of wrappers and in the light of a lantern drew attention not so much on the device to activate the explosion itself but rather on a scrap of paper sheets from the front "divizionki." One of its illustrations provide readers with little girl of ten years with the Soviet pioneer tie on the chest. Most likely, the picture was taken from the family album to some of the local huts. On the other - the same child pereklade hung on the gate. In the loop of his own tie. Such a clarity of visual front-line professional propagandists Wehrmacht raised the morale of the German soldiers. A kind of instruction - how to direct the true European order in the occupied territories. "War - a tragedy for all its participants. But there is nothing more cynical in their search practice, I have not seen - then said Sergey. - The case forced me to take a very different and the Germans, and our soldiers who stood in their way ».
Just one example of private practice engendered by Europe of Nazism. It would seem, crushed, abolished, condemned. But when you see a procession through the streets of Kiev Ukrainian nationalists column with this same ideology at the ready, you clearly realize that it is demanded. And, above all, not only silent about such demonstrations Europe, but challenging them. She still desired. And, above all, for the destruction of Russian descent field. Since the marginal-Ukrainian part. And destroys. The approaches from different angles ...
... At one time I had the opportunity to continue acquaintance with the culture of the West. And exactly the same in France. A pipe dream for many. But, realizing that for me personally it is more confident transformed into reality, consulted - with himself, and came to the conclusion that the practice of 30-string international journalist, or anyone out there still, all its prestige, benefits, prospects I do not care . And prepare a place in Central Asia. A curious area and the same people. Namazga, Afrasiab were then at the hearing. I saw and touched with their own hands a lot more than expected. But, most importantly, very quickly came to realize that this is where the keys from both the last of the Great Russia and its future. And it did. My mentor told me Language goodbye: "On his decision still sorry!". Alas, time somehow not found. And in its conservation of Asian home still I feel as confident as in Kiev.
... More recently, in Kharkiv - at the grave of his grandfather in the native village of the ancestors, a monument. Instead, his cross obsolete. He insisted on it instead of the duty of self-consolation of words "love and remember" knocked out, "Ivan Mikhailovich Maslov. Defending Paris and Sevastopol. But the bitter fate of the Russian soldiers ... ».
By the same. Assessing the current void of understanding passages Ukrainian leaders and their subservience hard environment with its chronic current saliva - relatively "euroelections" always remember the classic. The fact that said: "Europe in relation to Russia has always been as ignorant as ungrateful." (Pushkin) and add on my own - and how many times while more and blatantly criminal. Well then surprised a long time Ukrainian tangible results this way?