In Lithuania again desecrated a monument to Soviet soldiers

In the center of the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius on the night of May 9 he was again desecrated a monument to Soviet soldiers.
According to REGNUM, the monument was doused with red paint. In the morning trying to clean off the paint, but to no avail. Employees of the company to clean up the facades could not wash the monument.
Recall that a monument on the Green Bridge in Vilnius profaned by vandals is not the first time. May 7, 2007 on a pedestal sculpture Soviet soldiers with red paint by unknown wrote an inscription «Ruskiai lauk», not literally in an insulting manner is "Russian won." Under the inscription was shown a red star and the gallows.

The memorial complex to the Soviet soldiers and workers was set in the 50's of last century, the so-called "Green Bridge". Bridge with four sides decorated with four sculptures. On one side - the sculpture of working people on the other side - the peasants, etc. Only on one side of the sculpture is liberators, which had been defiled.
A few dozen meters from the monument is the building of the Lithuanian government.

We also recall that on March 11 this year in Vilnius, held a march of neo-Nazis, who, during the passage along the main avenue of Lithuania urged to expel all Russian and Lithuanian "kill these Jews," reports Newsru.com.