The game «Mortal Kombat» owes its origins to Jean-Claude Van Damme

Initially famous videofayting was conceived as a response to American popular series of games «Street Fighter». However, the original idea of the founders of «Mortal Kombat» Ed Boon and John Tobias, was somewhat different from the bloody and brutal game, which appeared as a result of the market.
They wanted to make a fighting game based on the film with Jean-Claude Van Damme. But negotiations with the actor failed because Van Damme chose to sign a contract with the company «Sega», with the result that the game was created «Genesis».
Then Tobias came up with Boone and John Cage. The basis for the character has been taken yet Van Damme, but Cage was not a full copy of it. As a result, «Mortal Kombat» has become one of the most popular fighting games in the history of video games, where Cage to this day remains the main character, and Van Damme ironically starred in the film adaptation of terrible games «Street Fighter».
via factroom.ru