Hitler predicted the cold war between the US and the USSR

In his testament, Adolf Hitler wrote that in the end there will be only two powers that can oppose each other - the Soviet Union and the United States.

Here is a quote from the document:

«The world will remain only two Great Powers capable of confronting each other - the United States and Soviet Russia. The laws of history and geography make these them to try their hand, and this applies both to military action, and the economy and ideology. These laws will inevitably lead to the fact that the two powers become enemies of Europe and sooner or later they both deem it appropriate to seek support from the sole surviving great nation in Europe - the German people ».

blockquote> Hitler in their documents are always returned to Germany, what would not say that, but now that we know the history, we can say that with respect to confront the United States and the Soviet Union, it was (on the whole) of the rights.

via factroom.ru


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