Find out why you need to breathe into a paper bag during hyperventilation

The human body has two main mechanisms for adjusting the pH (pH value): one involving the kidneys, and the other - light. Our bodies are constantly demanding a certain amount of oxygen. When the body receives more oxygen than it needs, the result could be respiratory alkalosis - too high pH level.
One of the most common causes of this phenomenon - gipervetilyatsiya. People breathe in such moments in a paper bag, because it helps to normalize the flow in the body necessary for normal life of oxygen and pH levels return to normal.
The normal range of pH in the human body - from 7, 35 to 7, 45. This is known to us by advertising "acid-alkaline balance." The kidneys play in maintaining the pH at a normal level greater role: they can absorb or allocate more bicarbonate and / or allocate more hydrogen ions for a certain period of time depending on the body's needs. If organism needs a rapid adjustment of pH, it can carry it through respiration. If the acidic environment in the body predominates, you will breathe faster. This frees up more CO2 exhalation and improves the overall pH. If you hold your breath for a while, then the CO2 levels rise.
Breathing into a paper bag, you will breathe more CO2, and it will contribute to the normalization of pH, after which you will be able to breathe normally again. However, this is not the most effective solution to the problem - doctors recommend in such cases the use of special breathing techniques.
via factroom.ru
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