Bearded Toad fights mustache

The presence or absence of the male mustache - not the most important factor in a relationship, which is not true, for example, about the spadefoot toads baleen - for them a mustache, especially a weapon in the struggle for the female.

According to Cameron Hudson of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, a fierce battle among amphibians occur infrequently - usually it ends adoption threatening postures. But males baleen frog mating season to let grow on the upper lip from 10 to 16 spikes. "The thorns as sharp as a pencil lead. If you try to take a toad in hand, she would have hit, "- says Hudson.

Most of his life spadefoot is carried out in the woods, but with the beginning of the breeding season, they are coastal rocks in rivers or streams and spend a few weeks, making a sound like a groan, - thus hoping to attract females, males.

Cameron Hudson, along with a colleague Dzhinchzhong Fu for two breeding seasons watching toads 300-meter section of the river near Mount Emei, located in Sichuan Province in China. It was possible to gather valuable video: Hudson was able to shoot five fights, which usually occur under water.
Each of the males in the fight trying to stab another spike in the stomach. Deaths, scientists have not fixed, but a lot of painful wounds were secured by virtually all participants in the fighting.
After a tough battle with females, males are found, then expectant mothers lay their eggs under the water and returned to the forest. Males remain to protect the offspring, with genetic analysis showed that the most they care about other people's "children", capturing the nests with already fertilized eggs, but somehow without destroying it.
According to scientists, while not exactly clear what affects the choice of female partners: the spikes in the latter do not vary greatly in size, is likely to benefit receive a stronger and larger males, because they have a better chance to beat the opponent in a fight.
In early March, all the "fighting" baleen frog terminated, the males shed their spikes and wait for the caviar tadpoles, go into the forest.
via factroom.ru
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