Google wants to give eternal life to all

Prolongation of life - one of the most important areas of medical and biotechnological research. In recent years, more and more private companies and research centers are turning to this subject, and most recently to the study of this question is connected and the Internet giant «Google».
«Google» presented the public its new subsidiary - «Calico», which will deal with issues of health and well-being of people, but the main goal of the "daughter» «Google» - to explore the possibilities of extending life.

With «Calico» CEO of Larry Page hopes to solve the most urgent problems of modern health care and slow the aging process of human "disease and old age affect everyone. I believe that our approach to health and biotechnology in the long term can extend the lives of millions of people ».
It is reported that the Chief Executive Officer and one of the main investors became Arthur Levinson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the corporation «Apple». It is said Levinson:
"I have dedicated most of his life science and technology capable of improving the health of people. What Larry is aimed at large-scale breakthrough in this area is extremely inspires me and I'll be happy to cooperate with him ».
blockquote> The magazine «Time» announced an interview with Larry Page, dedicated to the discovery of «Calico», here are some excerpts from the announcement:
«The main building of" Calico "located near the headquarters of" Google ". The company will be engaged in a long-term projects than most other companies operating in the health sector. According to Larry Page: "It will take another 10 or 20 years, some of the ideas to become reality. That we have to do very important things, which is decades away ".
While "Google" holds the majority of its plans secret, but is likely to begin with the study of age and cancer. Sources close to the company reported that the first time in "Calico" will run a very small team that will be engaged in the development of new technologies to combat these illnesses ».