In extreme situations, people tend to maintain order and mutual, not looting and chaos
Movies-disaster lgut
The most realistic, seemingly part of any disaster movie - one where society is crumbling, people's eyes are losing the human form and begin to rob and rape. A man in such a situation is either a victim or a predator, or Secretary of State - somebody has to take over, the disaster is going to end sooner or later.
However, when nothing terrible happens, robberies and rape did not happen less often, but at the time of natural disasters such behavior is often justified. It is believed that the term "marauder" does not apply to a person who is trying not to starve to death.
If disaster strikes, the company is likely to plunge into anarchy if we, for example, lose the usual things such as hot water and electricity, with a long time, the average person ozvereet and will be ready to shoot his own aunt. It is not cynical, just pragmatism. At least, that's what we used to think - that we see in the movies, we are told it is almost from childhood. But is this true?
The researchers interviewed survivors of natural disasters or terrorist attacks, and discovered something shocking: a group of people being attacked, the threat gives them some kind of commonality. Panic, in this case - the phenomenon is extremely rare, most people behave as altruistic: they take care of the wounded or weaker members of the group and protect children.
If any accident care and altruism are more the norm rather than the exception. So do not believe blockbusters, in real life, everything is much better.
via factroom.ru

The most realistic, seemingly part of any disaster movie - one where society is crumbling, people's eyes are losing the human form and begin to rob and rape. A man in such a situation is either a victim or a predator, or Secretary of State - somebody has to take over, the disaster is going to end sooner or later.
However, when nothing terrible happens, robberies and rape did not happen less often, but at the time of natural disasters such behavior is often justified. It is believed that the term "marauder" does not apply to a person who is trying not to starve to death.
If disaster strikes, the company is likely to plunge into anarchy if we, for example, lose the usual things such as hot water and electricity, with a long time, the average person ozvereet and will be ready to shoot his own aunt. It is not cynical, just pragmatism. At least, that's what we used to think - that we see in the movies, we are told it is almost from childhood. But is this true?
The researchers interviewed survivors of natural disasters or terrorist attacks, and discovered something shocking: a group of people being attacked, the threat gives them some kind of commonality. Panic, in this case - the phenomenon is extremely rare, most people behave as altruistic: they take care of the wounded or weaker members of the group and protect children.
If any accident care and altruism are more the norm rather than the exception. So do not believe blockbusters, in real life, everything is much better.
via factroom.ru
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