The hardest riddle on the Internet
In the light there monstrously challenging puzzles to solve that before the end of the power of only a few of the many millionov
Self-proclaimed "hardest puzzle available on the Internet" completely justifies its name. It is called Notpron, and since the launch of the website with a mystery in 2004, the year it tried to solve the more than 16 million people and only 31 people were able to do it. That is a success rate of about 0, 0003%. Notpron consists of 140 levels and begins relatively simple puzzle, but quickly becomes complicated. Play Notpron possible online, directly in your browser, but in order to make progress, you have a creative approach to the issues, and you definitely need computer literacy and knowledge of web technologies. For example, the second level of the puzzle will require you to change the URL of the site by swapping the "level 2" and "Level 3". At other levels, it will need to use Google, and Notpron provide you with the search box of the system, built right into the interface level. If you find yourself in a dead end (and you will certainly find yourself in it), in Notpron for you to provide some hints and spoilers. In addition, there is a free forum tips. If you want to try your luck, you can visit Notpron. Just get ready for the disappointment that comes very quickly.
via factroom.ru
Self-proclaimed "hardest puzzle available on the Internet" completely justifies its name. It is called Notpron, and since the launch of the website with a mystery in 2004, the year it tried to solve the more than 16 million people and only 31 people were able to do it. That is a success rate of about 0, 0003%. Notpron consists of 140 levels and begins relatively simple puzzle, but quickly becomes complicated. Play Notpron possible online, directly in your browser, but in order to make progress, you have a creative approach to the issues, and you definitely need computer literacy and knowledge of web technologies. For example, the second level of the puzzle will require you to change the URL of the site by swapping the "level 2" and "Level 3". At other levels, it will need to use Google, and Notpron provide you with the search box of the system, built right into the interface level. If you find yourself in a dead end (and you will certainly find yourself in it), in Notpron for you to provide some hints and spoilers. In addition, there is a free forum tips. If you want to try your luck, you can visit Notpron. Just get ready for the disappointment that comes very quickly.
via factroom.ru
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