What is our life will be in 25 years? Forecast Better Planet futurology.

Bill Gates called Ray Kurzweil "the best of the ones I know at predicting the future of artificial intelligence." Kurzweil is also known by other predictions that go beyond artificial intelligence. This article focuses on the most interesting, in my opinion, Kurzweil forecasts for the next twenty years. But first, let's find out who is this Ray Kurzweil?
Futurist and currently technical director of Google, Kurzweil is the author of seven books (five of which have become best-sellers), the owner of twenty honorary doctorates and was awarded marks of distinction from three US presidents.
He is also the inventor of many technologies, beginning with the first CCD flatbed scanner and finishing the first reading machine for the blind. He is also the co-founder of Singularity University and works with Larry Page on the development of artificial intelligence in Google.
In short, Ray Kurzweil is quite clever, and his predictions are quite interesting. He constantly reminds us that we live in the most exciting time in the history of mankind. Let's go through some projections Kurzweil, who fulfilled.
And now to the point. Kurzweil forecasts the next 25 years
"By the end of 2020 points will project images directly onto the retina. Ten terabytes of computing power (about as much as at the human brain) will cost 1000 dollarov.

By the 2020s most of the diseases will disappear, as will become more intelligent nanobots current medical technology. A normal human power can replace nanosystems. Turing Test will be held postoyanno.

Self-cars flood the roads, people will forbid yourself to go on avtomagistralyam.

By 2030 th year of virtual reality will be 100% of the real sensations. We will be able to upload your own brain / mind by the end of desyatiletiya.

By the 2040s non-biological intelligence will be a billion times more capable than the biological (ie, our). Nanotechnology will be able to create a food and any objects of the physical world literally from vozduha.

By 2045 we will be able to multiply your intelligence a billion times by associating our hemispheres cortex wirelessly with artificial neocortex in the cloud ».

You can not believe all this? Then pochitati Kurzweil's predictions in the last 25 and have themselves reshayi, believe it or not.
in 1990 (25 years ago), he predicted ...
... That the computer will win the World Chess Champion in 1998. In 1997, Deep Blue (IBM) has beaten Harry Kasparova.

... That personal computers can answer questions, having wireless access to information on the Internet in 2010. As you can see, he was right.
... That in the early 2000s exoskeletons allow disabled people to walk. Companies like Ekso Bionics, and other developing technologies (already developed), that does just that and more drugoe.

In 1999, he predicted ...
... That people will be able to give your computer a voice command in 2009. While in 2009 natural language interfaces like Siri and Google Now just beginning its long journey, it is likely that very soon we will get rid of all klaviatur.

... That computer displays will be embedded in the glasses, creating augmented reality, in 2009. In laboratories and forces scientists such displays were created long before 2009, but Google began experimenting with the Google Glass prototypes in 2011. Now we are seeing an explosion in the field of augmented and virtual reality. Microsoft has just introduced HoloLens, and Magic Leap is working on his very interesting technology - not to mention ostalnyh.

In 2005, he predicted ...
... That by 2010, the virtual solutions allow for language translations in real time, when the words in a foreign language will be translated into text in another language. It is said that Microsoft (Skype Translate), Google (Translate) and others have already implemented it. Some applications like Word Lens can translate all the words to the pictures of your kamery.