Unique "Heavenly Pool" was built in London
If you are afraid of heights, afraid of water or afraid to swim in the pool hanging over the heads of thousands of people, you may turn away from the sight of the story. London innovation is on the south bank of the Thames has its "Podnebesny 10-storey pool" top class, suspended between two buildings.
Dimensions Pool 25 by 5 meters (3 meters deep). Glass that protects swimmers, has a thickness of 20 cm, which is slightly less well-known line of school.
World innovation will serve as a bridge between two buildings in the expansion project the Ambassadors Garden, allowing residents to run the shortest path to its neighbors. Thanks to this extraordinary architectural design, apartment buildings were almost completely sold out at the stage of initial construction.
It seems to us that the pool - fantastic! We hope that our developers will create something as creative!
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