How to remove the stomach and straighten your back? This magical method guaranteed to help.
Many people today have problems with the spine, and it is not surprising, because a sedentary lifestyle has become so widespread. A straight back and tight stomach still wants to have! This is an extremely simple technique developed by Japanese specialists about ten years ago. Just five minutes a day is required for employment, but the appearance is changing very significantly. Returning skeleton in a natural position, this technique changes the contours of the body, making the waist thinner and back - Exactly.
The book is a description of this method copies sold huge - 6 million copies, but the description of the miracle technology fits into a few sentences. Check, perhaps, these exercises will help your loved ones and solve problems with the spine, pesters.
1. Roll up the towel tight cushion of a minimum length of 40 cm and a thickness of 7-10 centimeters. Bandage roll strong thread, so that it does not spill.
2. Sit on a sufficiently strong horizontal surface (soft bed does not fit, it is better - a couch, massage table, or a camping mat on the floor), put a folded cushion behind him.
3. Gently lower back, hands holding roller so that he was across the body at the waist - just below the navel. This is important.
4. Feet shoulder width apart and "pigeon-toed" arch of the foot together - so that the thumbs touching each other, and the heels were at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.
5. Start outstretched hands behind his head straight, turn their palms down, and little fingers are interconnected. Pose get quite uncomfortable. If you are hard to straighten the arms fully, not scary, even lie, as it turns out. The main thing - watch to touch the toes and little fingers of hands.
6. Spend in this position 5 minutes.
If done correctly, you will feel like your skeleton takes a natural position for him and straightened. The stomach will gradually be drawn, while the internal organs will be in the most favorable position for them. Get up very carefully, because during exercise the bones and joints slightly shifted.
Of course, the first is difficult to sustain for five minutes, so start doing the exercises with small - lie for two or three minutes on a roller. The results will be visible after only a month around such simple lessons!
This is a wonderful alternative to a heavy charge, strengthens the spine. Try this method and will be pleased with the result, the back will tell you "thank you».
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via takprosto cc
The book is a description of this method copies sold huge - 6 million copies, but the description of the miracle technology fits into a few sentences. Check, perhaps, these exercises will help your loved ones and solve problems with the spine, pesters.
1. Roll up the towel tight cushion of a minimum length of 40 cm and a thickness of 7-10 centimeters. Bandage roll strong thread, so that it does not spill.
2. Sit on a sufficiently strong horizontal surface (soft bed does not fit, it is better - a couch, massage table, or a camping mat on the floor), put a folded cushion behind him.
3. Gently lower back, hands holding roller so that he was across the body at the waist - just below the navel. This is important.
4. Feet shoulder width apart and "pigeon-toed" arch of the foot together - so that the thumbs touching each other, and the heels were at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.
5. Start outstretched hands behind his head straight, turn their palms down, and little fingers are interconnected. Pose get quite uncomfortable. If you are hard to straighten the arms fully, not scary, even lie, as it turns out. The main thing - watch to touch the toes and little fingers of hands.
6. Spend in this position 5 minutes.
If done correctly, you will feel like your skeleton takes a natural position for him and straightened. The stomach will gradually be drawn, while the internal organs will be in the most favorable position for them. Get up very carefully, because during exercise the bones and joints slightly shifted.
Of course, the first is difficult to sustain for five minutes, so start doing the exercises with small - lie for two or three minutes on a roller. The results will be visible after only a month around such simple lessons!
This is a wonderful alternative to a heavy charge, strengthens the spine. Try this method and will be pleased with the result, the back will tell you "thank you».
Share this useful article about the health-enhancing technique with your friends.
via takprosto cc
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