20 basic rules of a balanced diet. You instantly feel better!
Constantly feel heaviness in the stomach? Poor sleep? Bored with the state's relentless fatigue? Here are some practical tips that .cc has prepared especially for you. Try them and feel the results within a week!
1. In the morning drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, you two.
2. eat breakfast only 20-30 minutes after this. Bad breakfast - scrambled eggs, fatty great sandwiches with mayonnaise or roasted meat. Good breakfast - light breakfast ie cereal, oatmeal porridge and again. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge with fresh fruit, dried fruit, honey or yogurt.
3. 30 minutes before a meal to drink a glass of water. So you saturate your body with water, and eat less.
4. It is best to take food in small portions 5-6 times a day at intervals of 2-3 hours, than eat 2-3 times a day more.
5. In no case do not drink water with meals as it slows down the digestive process. If you still want to drink, you can do it in about an hour after eating.
6. It is not there after 18:00 - bad, especially if you go to bed after 22:00. That this rule: the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
7. Eat more vegetables, fruits and berries, while not eat a lot of bananas and grapes. They are - a very high-calorie. Better presses the apples, because they cleanse the body of toxins.
8. If you want to eat before a workout, do it only for 1-2 hours before class. Let it be cereal. If you want to eat after, it does so only in an hour.
9. Eat animal protein for lunch and dinner, but only cooked - boiled white meat (poultry), seafood, salted fish, eggs, eggs.
10. Eat as vegetable protein. It - is very important, especially that found in legumes and nuts.
11. For greater endurance and performance in the winter drink fats, especially those that are in the dairy products and vegetable oils.
12. Carbohydrates are healthy and do not contribute to obesity, there are various cereals, potatoes, pasta from durum wheat, cocoa, chicory, honey, jam and halva.
13. It is better to have first and second courses with a break.
14. Fried food - the most unprofitable, so fried food is best deleted and replaced boiled, stewed and steamed.
15. During the day, you should drink 1, 5-2 liters of water. To correctly calculate the right amount of water, multiply 30 ml of water per 1 kg of your weight.
16. Drink as little coffee and tea, as they not only stimulate the formation of tartar, but also harm your eyesight and blood circulation. Better preferring them natural cocoa, chicory drink, juice without sugar, jelly, natural juice with pulp or water.
17. If you want a sweet, drink water or eat fruit. Give up all kinds of confectionery. Then again thank yourself!
18. In order to improve health for all exclusively from the diet of these products: sausage, mayonnaise, ketchup and all kinds of sauces, any soda, chips and crisps, fast food, drinks, sandwiches, sweets, milk and white chocolate ice cream. < br />
19. For a balanced diet you should consume per day 14% protein, 30% fat and 56% carbohydrates.
20. Before going to bed drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or sour milk - these drinks will help cleanse your intestines and improve its peristalsis.
What could be more important than health? Exactly, nothing! So follow these simple rules, and in a week you'll be able to feel, how to improve your well-being.
If you appreciated the helpful advice, do not be silent - Share these rules with your friends!
via takprosto cc
1. In the morning drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach, you two.
2. eat breakfast only 20-30 minutes after this. Bad breakfast - scrambled eggs, fatty great sandwiches with mayonnaise or roasted meat. Good breakfast - light breakfast ie cereal, oatmeal porridge and again. Oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge with fresh fruit, dried fruit, honey or yogurt.
3. 30 minutes before a meal to drink a glass of water. So you saturate your body with water, and eat less.
4. It is best to take food in small portions 5-6 times a day at intervals of 2-3 hours, than eat 2-3 times a day more.
5. In no case do not drink water with meals as it slows down the digestive process. If you still want to drink, you can do it in about an hour after eating.
6. It is not there after 18:00 - bad, especially if you go to bed after 22:00. That this rule: the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.
7. Eat more vegetables, fruits and berries, while not eat a lot of bananas and grapes. They are - a very high-calorie. Better presses the apples, because they cleanse the body of toxins.
8. If you want to eat before a workout, do it only for 1-2 hours before class. Let it be cereal. If you want to eat after, it does so only in an hour.
9. Eat animal protein for lunch and dinner, but only cooked - boiled white meat (poultry), seafood, salted fish, eggs, eggs.
10. Eat as vegetable protein. It - is very important, especially that found in legumes and nuts.
11. For greater endurance and performance in the winter drink fats, especially those that are in the dairy products and vegetable oils.
12. Carbohydrates are healthy and do not contribute to obesity, there are various cereals, potatoes, pasta from durum wheat, cocoa, chicory, honey, jam and halva.
13. It is better to have first and second courses with a break.
14. Fried food - the most unprofitable, so fried food is best deleted and replaced boiled, stewed and steamed.
15. During the day, you should drink 1, 5-2 liters of water. To correctly calculate the right amount of water, multiply 30 ml of water per 1 kg of your weight.
16. Drink as little coffee and tea, as they not only stimulate the formation of tartar, but also harm your eyesight and blood circulation. Better preferring them natural cocoa, chicory drink, juice without sugar, jelly, natural juice with pulp or water.
17. If you want a sweet, drink water or eat fruit. Give up all kinds of confectionery. Then again thank yourself!
18. In order to improve health for all exclusively from the diet of these products: sausage, mayonnaise, ketchup and all kinds of sauces, any soda, chips and crisps, fast food, drinks, sandwiches, sweets, milk and white chocolate ice cream. < br />
19. For a balanced diet you should consume per day 14% protein, 30% fat and 56% carbohydrates.
20. Before going to bed drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or sour milk - these drinks will help cleanse your intestines and improve its peristalsis.
What could be more important than health? Exactly, nothing! So follow these simple rules, and in a week you'll be able to feel, how to improve your well-being.
If you appreciated the helpful advice, do not be silent - Share these rules with your friends!
via takprosto cc
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