Prepare caramel milk at home. The simplest food, and the taste - the height of pleasure!
Caramel unique. Neither the sweetness has such a gentle, aromatic and full-bodied taste. Prepare a caramel home. Make it quite difficult, but it will very nutritious dessert that melts in your mouth. Additionally, caramel at home need only natural products, it is prepared on the basis of milk. There are no harmful additives to your body. Getting to the preparation of this yummy!
- Milk - 1/2 liter
- The sugar - 3 cups
- Dried milk - 1 cup
- Butter - 100 g li >
1. First Mix all ingredients, except for the butter.
2. The mass lay out in the pan and boil, stirring constantly, heat to a minimum. Vari as long as the sweet mass acquires a brownish tint.
3. As soon as the mass becomes brown, add the butter and boil to have a state of complete readiness.
In the preparation of caramel will leave about half an hour. If less than the specified cooking time, you will not caramel and boiled condensed milk. In case, if the digest caramel - are obtained toffee. What is also quite nice!
If you immediately wanted to cook a caramel - there is nothing strange, this recipe is so simple and inspiring. Share it with your friends, enjoy the caramel should all!
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