“Cow” in the store no longer take, pass by the department with sweets
Sometimes longing for the old days makes us buy sweets that we loved as children. Do you remember the taste of "Key"? But even more delicious were the candy "Cow" with caramel filling inside. These sweets can now be found in any supermarket. The trouble is that, trying to save money, the manufacturers of candy cheat. They replace ingredients with cheaper ones and add a bunch of unnecessary flavorings and preservatives. Candies "Cow" at home are prepared from four ingredients and quite simply.
Candy "Cow" at home For the sake of interest read the label of sweets composition. You'd be surprised how much is unnecessary. Dried milk, preservatives, flavorings, confectionery fat. Immediately there is no desire to feed this dubious delicacy to their children. The taste is not what it used to be. This is how my grandmother cooked these candy. She took two glasses of milk, a glass of condensed milk and ordinary milk. Boiled natural caramel with walnuts. You can add them if you want. Here's the recipe.
The ingredients
Homemade "Cow" can be made with cocoa or add crushed nuts to it. This sweetness is good and easy to prepare, and the minimum amount of ingredients. And homemade candy is a simple way to wean children from purchased sweets, in which they put the unknown. Have you already made homemade candy "Cowboy" according to this recipe?

Candy "Cow" at home For the sake of interest read the label of sweets composition. You'd be surprised how much is unnecessary. Dried milk, preservatives, flavorings, confectionery fat. Immediately there is no desire to feed this dubious delicacy to their children. The taste is not what it used to be. This is how my grandmother cooked these candy. She took two glasses of milk, a glass of condensed milk and ordinary milk. Boiled natural caramel with walnuts. You can add them if you want. Here's the recipe.

The ingredients
- 400g sugar
- 150g condensed milk
- 150 ml of milk
- 75g butter
- 1 egg
- In a pot with a thick bottom, put oil, sugar and condensed milk. It is very important that the mixture does not burn, choose dishes for cooking with a thick bottom, and even better - with non-stick coating.
- Put the pan on a weak fire and stir the milk mixture with a silicone spatula for 15-20 minutes. When the mixture becomes a beautiful caramel color, continuously stir the mass. To check if the mixture is ready, drop it in a bowl of ice water. If the milk drop will harden and not spread, then the mixture is ready.
- Beat the caramel mass with a mixer until the sugar begins to crystallize. This step can be skipped and simply pour caramel into the form.
- Lubricate the form for caramel with vegetable oil and pour the mass. Carefully level it with a spatula in shape. Best for these purposes suitable silicone molds, forms for ice. Caramel lags well behind them.
- Put the Cow in the fridge for a couple of hours. Done. Take the caramel out of the mold and make the tea quick. Bon appetit.
Homemade "Cow" can be made with cocoa or add crushed nuts to it. This sweetness is good and easy to prepare, and the minimum amount of ingredients. And homemade candy is a simple way to wean children from purchased sweets, in which they put the unknown. Have you already made homemade candy "Cowboy" according to this recipe?
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“Cow” in the store no longer take, pass by the department with sweets