How to stop nosebleeds. Everyone must know this!
Do not worry if you suddenly started bleeding from the nose. Nosebleeds can occur in both adults and children, the causes can be many. Increased body temperature, hormonal imbalance, problems with the heart-vascular system - a major cause of bleeding, but most of the blood from the nose appear due to injury of the mucosa. If your child has a bad habit of picking his nose - it is not surprising that sometimes delicate mucous does not maintain a constant irritation and begins to bleed. Prolonged exposure to the sun, physical overload and abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure can also cause trouble.
The first thing you have to learn that you need to remain calm. The sight of blood makes people panic, but in order to successfully cope with the bleeding, you need to pull myself together.
If you have started a sudden nosebleeds, act so:
1. Sit comfortably and dismissed the head back. Breathe mouth.
2. Press the wing of the nose to the partition strong and sharp movement. Hold the wing of the nose pressed firmly for a while, checking whether there is still blood.
3. To quickly remove the critical state is useful to make something cold on the back of the head and nose.
4. In no case does not lie on your back for a while after the end of bleeding. Also it is better not to start breathing nose immediately after blood stopped - it can cause rebleeding.
If the bleeding started in a child sat him on his lap and pinch his nose. Children feel very good when grown too scary, because whether it cool! From fear the child may increase bleeding.
If the nosebleed does not stop for 10-20 minutes, you need to call your doctor. Be sure also to consult a specialist if the bleeding started after a strong blow to the head. Of course, frequent (2-3 times a week) bleeding without apparent reason - a serious reason to go to the hospital.
Watch your health and be able to provide themselves and others first aid - this is very important! Tell everyone about this article from such situations no one is immune.
via takprosto cc
The first thing you have to learn that you need to remain calm. The sight of blood makes people panic, but in order to successfully cope with the bleeding, you need to pull myself together.
If you have started a sudden nosebleeds, act so:
1. Sit comfortably and dismissed the head back. Breathe mouth.
2. Press the wing of the nose to the partition strong and sharp movement. Hold the wing of the nose pressed firmly for a while, checking whether there is still blood.
3. To quickly remove the critical state is useful to make something cold on the back of the head and nose.
4. In no case does not lie on your back for a while after the end of bleeding. Also it is better not to start breathing nose immediately after blood stopped - it can cause rebleeding.

If the bleeding started in a child sat him on his lap and pinch his nose. Children feel very good when grown too scary, because whether it cool! From fear the child may increase bleeding.

If the nosebleed does not stop for 10-20 minutes, you need to call your doctor. Be sure also to consult a specialist if the bleeding started after a strong blow to the head. Of course, frequent (2-3 times a week) bleeding without apparent reason - a serious reason to go to the hospital.
Watch your health and be able to provide themselves and others first aid - this is very important! Tell everyone about this article from such situations no one is immune.
via takprosto cc
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