Stunning facts about cucumbers, followed by the familiar vegetable in the kitchen will be a favorite!
Cucumber is present in our kitchen at any time of the year, where do without him? Salad with cucumber always remind us of spring. Any dish goes well with this vegetable. All eat cucumbers, but few people know how they are useful. Read these interesting facts about cucumbers, you will discover many new things! In addition to being a cucumber has a variety of useful properties, this vegetable can be used absolutely no way you're used to ...
1. Cucumber helps lose weight, eliminates toxins from the body.
2. 95% of the cucumber is water. If you have dehydration, eat a cucumber!
3. Kidney stones? Cucumber - a strong diuretic because of its frequent use will help you deal with the problem and organize the work of internal organs.
4. Vitamins B1, B3, B5, and folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus contained in cucumbers.
5. Cucumbers contribute to the vitality of man, because they contain many substances that have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Tired? Take a cucumber!
6. The high water content, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants makes indispensable cucumber cosmetics. To narrow pores, refresh the skin, get rid of fat, and dark circles under the eyes, use cucumber. They seem to be a component designed face masks!
7. Tarnished mirror will shine again, if you protresh his slice of cucumber.
8. Cucumber helps cleanse the blood. Pay attention, cucumbers contain iron! So all who have low hemoglobin, have to eat cucumbers.
9. Cucumbers can be used not only to improve the skin. How about cellulite? It turns out that the cucumber is able to cope even with such a serious problem! Do masks and wraps with a cucumber, you will like the result.
10. This vegetable is able to smooth out minor scars. If you have a problem, you try to compress with cucumber and homemade cucumber lotion.
11. Mask with cucumber hair very effective. Cucumber contributes to the rapid growth and strengthening of hair, removes hair from excessive fat.
12. Cucumbers are very low calorie because salads them ideal for people who are dieting. Cucumbers you can eat a lot without gaining a single gram, and the stomach is full.
13. Cucumber able to cope with periodontal disease. To massage the gums slices of cucumber, it will strengthen the gums, freshen breath, removes plaque from the teeth.
14. Throw a cucumber in boiling water. You will feel like the entire kitchen will be filled with a delicate aroma, which purifies the air and relaxes. Good idea to deal with stress, the original and unusual.
15. Metal objects and ornaments will shine, if you protresh of cucumber.
16. Do not write pen? Rub cucumber rod, it will correct the situation.
17. Cucumber - a natural remedy to combat the worms. Seeds of cucumber destroy parasites.
18. Wipe clean nails and cuticles cucumber. The nails are shiny and hand - manicured.
19. Cucumbers are very useful to all those who suffer from diabetes. They help maintain a stable blood sugar level.
20. Cucumbers reduce cholesterol in the blood.
It's amazing how useful the usual cucumber! I did not know about this ever. Now this vegetable like me even more. Always try to use Cucumber to update metallic objects in the house, so interesting effects!
Look at the usual cucumbers in a new way! Tell us about these interesting facts to your friends.
via takprosto cc
1. Cucumber helps lose weight, eliminates toxins from the body.
2. 95% of the cucumber is water. If you have dehydration, eat a cucumber!
3. Kidney stones? Cucumber - a strong diuretic because of its frequent use will help you deal with the problem and organize the work of internal organs.
4. Vitamins B1, B3, B5, and folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus contained in cucumbers.

5. Cucumbers contribute to the vitality of man, because they contain many substances that have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Tired? Take a cucumber!
6. The high water content, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants makes indispensable cucumber cosmetics. To narrow pores, refresh the skin, get rid of fat, and dark circles under the eyes, use cucumber. They seem to be a component designed face masks!

7. Tarnished mirror will shine again, if you protresh his slice of cucumber.
8. Cucumber helps cleanse the blood. Pay attention, cucumbers contain iron! So all who have low hemoglobin, have to eat cucumbers.
9. Cucumbers can be used not only to improve the skin. How about cellulite? It turns out that the cucumber is able to cope even with such a serious problem! Do masks and wraps with a cucumber, you will like the result.
10. This vegetable is able to smooth out minor scars. If you have a problem, you try to compress with cucumber and homemade cucumber lotion.
11. Mask with cucumber hair very effective. Cucumber contributes to the rapid growth and strengthening of hair, removes hair from excessive fat.
12. Cucumbers are very low calorie because salads them ideal for people who are dieting. Cucumbers you can eat a lot without gaining a single gram, and the stomach is full.
13. Cucumber able to cope with periodontal disease. To massage the gums slices of cucumber, it will strengthen the gums, freshen breath, removes plaque from the teeth.
14. Throw a cucumber in boiling water. You will feel like the entire kitchen will be filled with a delicate aroma, which purifies the air and relaxes. Good idea to deal with stress, the original and unusual.
15. Metal objects and ornaments will shine, if you protresh of cucumber.
16. Do not write pen? Rub cucumber rod, it will correct the situation.
17. Cucumber - a natural remedy to combat the worms. Seeds of cucumber destroy parasites.
18. Wipe clean nails and cuticles cucumber. The nails are shiny and hand - manicured.
19. Cucumbers are very useful to all those who suffer from diabetes. They help maintain a stable blood sugar level.
20. Cucumbers reduce cholesterol in the blood.
It's amazing how useful the usual cucumber! I did not know about this ever. Now this vegetable like me even more. Always try to use Cucumber to update metallic objects in the house, so interesting effects!
Look at the usual cucumbers in a new way! Tell us about these interesting facts to your friends.
via takprosto cc
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