These air and incredibly delicious cranberry wreaths will impress any guest!
Cranberry wreaths - very original homemade pastries, which will please not only the eyes of your guests, but their stomachs. They turn out very tasty, airy and attractive in appearance. A cranberry acidity gives an interesting and unusual color. Instead of cranberry can use other berries, such as currants and raspberries. In addition, these wreaths you can sprinkle with powdered sugar.
500 g flour; 25 g of fresh yeast; 3/4 Art. milk or water; 2 tbsp. l. sugar; 2 chicken eggs; 60 g butter; 1/2 ch. l. salt. filling:
1 1/2 Art. cranberries; 1/2 Art. sugar; 1 1/2 hours. l. orange peel. Preparation:
1. Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup warm milk or water, then add half of the flour, stir and put the dough in a warm place for 1-2 hours.
2. After 2 hours, pour the remaining liquid in the sponge, whipped with sugar and salt, eggs and emptying the remaining flour. After that, stirring, gradually add the butter.
3. kneaded until the dough until it is smooth and does not cease to adhere to the hands. Cover the bowl with the dough and wrap Put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. While the dough cools Peremel cranberries in a blender or meat grinder. Lay it in a saucepan, add orange zest and sugar and boil over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.
5. Get the dough from the refrigerator, to pass on to floured work surface and roll out into a rectangle 60x30 cm. The surface of the rectangle distribution box even layer stuffing, retreating 1, 5 cm from the edge of the dough.
6. Fold the dough roll: one third of the general part of the formation lap the middle part, and then cover with another edge. The result should be a roll rectangular 30x20 cm.
7. The edges of the dough and gently rolled zaschipli roll a rolling pin. Cut the roll crosswise into 12 strips width of about 3 cm.
8. twisted 3-4 times each strip, fold the ring in the form of wreaths and zaschipli ends. Dec wreaths on a greased baking sheet and bake in a hot oven to 210 degrees for 12-15 minutes.
9. Ready chilled wreaths smazh icing or powdered sugar prisyp.
Bon appetit!
This is not a shame to cook cakes and holidays, because it will be a bright decoration of the table. Prepare cranberry wreaths at Easter, will please your family!
via takprosto cc

500 g flour; 25 g of fresh yeast; 3/4 Art. milk or water; 2 tbsp. l. sugar; 2 chicken eggs; 60 g butter; 1/2 ch. l. salt. filling:
1 1/2 Art. cranberries; 1/2 Art. sugar; 1 1/2 hours. l. orange peel. Preparation:
1. Dissolve the yeast in 1/2 cup warm milk or water, then add half of the flour, stir and put the dough in a warm place for 1-2 hours.

2. After 2 hours, pour the remaining liquid in the sponge, whipped with sugar and salt, eggs and emptying the remaining flour. After that, stirring, gradually add the butter.

3. kneaded until the dough until it is smooth and does not cease to adhere to the hands. Cover the bowl with the dough and wrap Put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. While the dough cools Peremel cranberries in a blender or meat grinder. Lay it in a saucepan, add orange zest and sugar and boil over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened.

5. Get the dough from the refrigerator, to pass on to floured work surface and roll out into a rectangle 60x30 cm. The surface of the rectangle distribution box even layer stuffing, retreating 1, 5 cm from the edge of the dough.

6. Fold the dough roll: one third of the general part of the formation lap the middle part, and then cover with another edge. The result should be a roll rectangular 30x20 cm.

7. The edges of the dough and gently rolled zaschipli roll a rolling pin. Cut the roll crosswise into 12 strips width of about 3 cm.

8. twisted 3-4 times each strip, fold the ring in the form of wreaths and zaschipli ends. Dec wreaths on a greased baking sheet and bake in a hot oven to 210 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

9. Ready chilled wreaths smazh icing or powdered sugar prisyp.
Bon appetit!
This is not a shame to cook cakes and holidays, because it will be a bright decoration of the table. Prepare cranberry wreaths at Easter, will please your family!
via takprosto cc
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