Martian illusions and delusions of the earth

Over the past six months, the tabloids were pleased with several sensational discoveries on Mars. First, find a buffalo, then crab, considered a flying ball of rock, and then saw a woman in a dress. Today analyze these "discoveries" and wondered why such news will continue to appear.
Once I had a few assorted "dinosaurs" and "articles" on Mars . But the online world continues to generate new reasons for thinking about the readiness of people to err.
All the news about the sensational discoveries on Mars are on the same pattern and the same degree have no connection with reality. But the inattentive reader subconsciously formed a stable perception that "there is something there, because so many strange discoveries do not happen just like that." A more advanced, might say, "Let some of the finds just an illusion, but it's not all too many of them".
One can agree with the thesis "does not happen just like that," but it is "not just because" is not due to a real Mars, but only with the desire of some of the media to raise the ratings of cheap sensationalism at the expense of the age-old dream of mankind for a meeting with the Martians.

The pattern of occurrence of such news is simple: you have several Youtube-channels and websites, the creators of which call themselves archaeologists and a sofa with a persistence worthy of a useful application browse pictures of Mars rovers. Pictures all open , that does not stop conspiracy constantly accuse NASA of concealing them. The search is performed on the principle of "find something familiar." As far away from his couch "couch archaeologists" do not depart, the more familiar they are not. They do not know the cross-bedded sandstones, eoliths, or of the formation of sedimentary rocks. But they know shoes, skulls, hamsters, Obama, the ships of the "Star Wars", women (at least they look like) - this finding.
Search almost always leads to the resolution limit of the camera when in troubled parts of the Martian surface woven artifacts JPEG-compression, which facilitates the work of imagination in search of familiar images. After all, in high resolution stone birdlike will only stone. And if you go away, you can begin to shout about early Mars ornithology.

Despite the absurdity of such searches, the activities of the "Diwali archaeologists" are closely monitoring the editors and journalists of several yellow tabloid Daily Mail or the type of "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Finding a suitable subject, write the same type of news: "Internet users are discussing a new sensational find ... rover NASA scientists declined to comment or explain all the play of light and shadow." Especially funny if ufologists have found something in the pictures a year ago. Then the news is added the phrase "The pictures were taken a year ago but published only now," as if NASA published photos on sites "Diwali archaeologists".
And ufologists and journalists do not want to check the accuracy of the findings. UFOlogists do not want to part with their illusions, and journalists hide behind the fact that they write about "the internet to discuss ..." instead of "rover found ...". Although logic dictates that if the rover makes dozens of shots almost every day, the same stone can be on different pictures from different angles and at different times of day. This does not always, but often. As a result, after diligent checking, it turns out that all the sensational finds is either an illusion of similarity arising only when viewed from a certain point at a certain time of day, or just something vague, but it seems something and reliably check not possible. Of course, scientists are engaged in more important things than parse all cases when something someone thought so journalists and writes "NASA declined to comment".
And I will not give up. Therefore, we consider several recent examples of "sensational discoveries" on Mars, with their full disclosure.
Animal on Mars

In May, the Internet has spread the news «Opportunity found a large animal." I do not know how you can not trust your eyes and retype the same nonsense about a bear or a bison. I was immediately obvious that this is a large black stone, and the illusion of the legs of the animal occurs because of a few stones lying in the foreground. If shamelessly unscrew the brightness in the image, the bright gems disappear leaving only a shadow between them, that someone took the legs "bison».

Fortunately, many rover takes otkrestnosti. For example, the same "bison" is seen in the same place for a week, until the day when he grew up "legs».

Stereo camera mast to evaluate the prospect of the area and to see how a group of small stones "moving out", if you look a little different angle and it becomes obvious that the "legs", "bison" do not belong.

Crab on Mars
Unfortunately, this is not always possible to double-check. For example, some enthusiasts Martians found in the images that it seemed unusual result of creativity Martian life or civilization. After manipulation in Photoshop, they showed to the world a snapshot of fossil creatures like the crab, which is lurking in the shadows of cliffs or star medallion with the profile of the Martian character.

If you look at the original picture, we can see that some of the "legs" crab - it's just defects JPEG-compression, which turned into a "legs" only after diligent work in the photo editor.

Unfortunately, more detailed images of the area Curiosity did not, and is not expected to return, so the final answer to the question, what is it little black is white, we can not. At the same time, we have many examples of what an amazing and intricate shapes make light gypsum deposits in the dark Martian sandstone. If you go away and use your imagination, and here you can see a lot of the inhabitants of Mars and the results of their creative activity.

Flying ball of rock on Mars
Another finding is also removed in one piece. But to understand the illusion to think quite a bit.

In summer, the media spread the news that UFO found in the published panorama Curiosity , what it seemed indisputable evidence of a UFO on Mars - "flying ball of rock." In the photo you can see a stone, a form close to the ball. Under him (or rather in front of him) is ideally placed another stone, shaded side which seemed ufologists and journalists shadow of a flying ball.

The illusion really fun. To understand it, we must start to think about the ball that casts the shadow of a quadrilateral. But it could still be attributed to the uneven terrain. But the angle of incidence of the sun's rays have nowhere to write off. You may want to consider the direction of the shadows falling from the other stones in the area. Illumination "ball" tells us that shooting is not performed in the afternoon, so the shadow can not lie vertically below it.

Woman on Mars
Perhaps this is the most epic and funny zheltogazetnaya sensation. The scheme is the same: ufologists = & gt; Western journalists = & gt; our.

Looking through the original pictures of the rover, one wonders how in these pictures you can see that what they write some of the media? This must be a very rich imagination and a complete shutdown of common sense. But see the same! And write. And reprint. And read. And believe ...

Even if you take pictures of the same day, but at other times, there was nothing left of the "female" illusion.

But the rover was in place for three weeks, so if you wish, you can find a picture of the same place, but in higher resolution.

Soaring spoon on Mars

It is literally yesterday's news. The only example that the main culprit is speculative news reporters. "Spoon" forum users found the American " Planet community ". There's people communicate quite adequate, including researchers of NASA, and they reacted to the discovery of irony in the style "Ха-ха, See, spoon ". Pointing to a curious pattern of wind erosion on Mars.
In the place you can see a lot of these "floating objects," is even more impressive than the "spoon". At the same forum, on the previous page "карандаши” We discussed, but journalists are caught in the "spoon".

Before us is a good example of how to resist the damaging effects of the minerals of the wind. Apparently, the material "Spoon" was more stable than the "table" on which she lay. On Earth, this would not work out because of the rain and a strong wind. Therefore, these "spoons" demonstrate how calm and dead planet.

The funny thing is that after reading this material, all who believe in Martians, hopes to see the ruins of their civilization and expose the conspiracy of the treacherous NASA, will think: "Well, this time, not Martians, but because the country finds many can not be that all were illusion or just stones. " So I want to answer: Maybe! I cited these examples to show how to create such news is sucked from the finger sensation and artifacts JPEGa. Science differs from the couch of sitting in that it not only searches, but also carefully recheck the accuracy of the findings. All available means. But if ufologists and journalists will be engaged in double-check, then they have just run out of sensations.
Therefore: to be continued.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/261358/
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