Second Life orange peels 7 unexpected uses.
Many of us tend to throw the peel of an orange. But when you find out how to use it, you are no longer going to do it. Pat dry and use it for cleaning, beauty guidance, decoration and for other purposes! This is a very useful tool with a wide range of applications. Give orange peel second life!
Methods of Using orange peels:
1. Air freshener
Orange peel is used as an air freshener for the apartment. All you need to do is take three orange peel, a few grains of cardamom, a few basil leaves, vanilla bag, a spoon of ground cloves and a pinch of cinnamon three. Pour water into a saucepan with a tablespoon of vinegar, add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a jar and put in his room. You can also drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
2. Cleaner
Place the peel in a jar, zaley of vinegar and insist for 6-8 days. Then strain the liquid and pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the dirty surface, then wipe with a damp cloth.
Also, orange peel can be used to clean cutting board. Wipe crust board previously by pouring a little salt on it.
3. Candle
To do this, you need to remove the peel of an orange, the main thing - do not damage the "tail". It will serve as a wick. Then, pour the oil into the skin well-oiled wick and set fire to it.
4. Skin Whitening
Vitamin C contained in oranges and their peel is used as a natural skin whitener. Just throw it in the water washed crust, when you take a bath.
5. Insect repellent
The orange peel contains substances that repel insects. For example, the picnic will cut orange peel and ground, spread out on the perimeter of the blanket. Mosquitoes, ants and flies will no longer be bothered.
6. Repels cats
Cats can not tolerate the smell of citrus. If your cat is, for example, likes to chew on the leaves of houseplants or inverted flower pots, simply put it on the windowsill of an orange peel.
7. Cleaning and whitening
Is added to toothpaste powder milled crusts, but not in mint. Or simply rubs the inside of the teeth fresh skin of an orange. It helps strengthen teeth and remove the yellow plaque. Also practicing this method argue that it is completely safe and does not affect the sensitivity of the teeth.
Note: Sellers of oranges to these fruits are best kept, they can be sprayed with various chemicals. It is therefore important to use scabs to wash them thoroughly with soap and water or soda.
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via takprosto cc
Methods of Using orange peels:
1. Air freshener
Orange peel is used as an air freshener for the apartment. All you need to do is take three orange peel, a few grains of cardamom, a few basil leaves, vanilla bag, a spoon of ground cloves and a pinch of cinnamon three. Pour water into a saucepan with a tablespoon of vinegar, add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour the liquid into a jar and put in his room. You can also drop a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
2. Cleaner
Place the peel in a jar, zaley of vinegar and insist for 6-8 days. Then strain the liquid and pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the dirty surface, then wipe with a damp cloth.
Also, orange peel can be used to clean cutting board. Wipe crust board previously by pouring a little salt on it.
3. Candle
To do this, you need to remove the peel of an orange, the main thing - do not damage the "tail". It will serve as a wick. Then, pour the oil into the skin well-oiled wick and set fire to it.

4. Skin Whitening
Vitamin C contained in oranges and their peel is used as a natural skin whitener. Just throw it in the water washed crust, when you take a bath.
5. Insect repellent
The orange peel contains substances that repel insects. For example, the picnic will cut orange peel and ground, spread out on the perimeter of the blanket. Mosquitoes, ants and flies will no longer be bothered.
6. Repels cats
Cats can not tolerate the smell of citrus. If your cat is, for example, likes to chew on the leaves of houseplants or inverted flower pots, simply put it on the windowsill of an orange peel.
7. Cleaning and whitening
Is added to toothpaste powder milled crusts, but not in mint. Or simply rubs the inside of the teeth fresh skin of an orange. It helps strengthen teeth and remove the yellow plaque. Also practicing this method argue that it is completely safe and does not affect the sensitivity of the teeth.
Note: Sellers of oranges to these fruits are best kept, they can be sprayed with various chemicals. It is therefore important to use scabs to wash them thoroughly with soap and water or soda.
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via takprosto cc
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