Aqueous extract of the pomegranate is the cure that healed Hippocrates

Healer G. I. Deep found, openly and patented (late 1996) universal natural medicine: aqueous extract of dried peels of pomegranate fruit. It cures lesions in any strain (or 5 hours per week) of the following diseases:
Dysentery passes — 5 hours.
Salmonella for 5 hours.
Gastric ulcer in a week.
Colitis (colon) — for a week.
This download is for the week.
Acute appendicitis in 5 hours...
Patenting of the drug (1996) was preceded by mandatory testing in the medical institution of its ability to inhibit pathogenic bacteria "in Pietro" (in vitro). 1 ml (1 g) of water extract of pomegranate fruit peels was killed: 1) 1 billion (109) microbes of cholera; 2) to 0.1 million (108) bacteria Salmonella; 3) 0,1 bn (108) of germs of dysentery.
So, aqueous extract of dried peels of pomegranate cures:
1. 5 hours from any of the strains of the dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid, cholera, acute appendicitis (need for surgery is eliminated).
2. One week from the following diseases: stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer (small intestine), colitis — an inflammatory process in the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.
The RECIPE of preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate fruit:
The approximate weight ratio of dry pomegranate peel and boiling water 1:20.
In a pre-heated Cup or glass put 10-12 grams of dried pomegranate peels and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover with a saucer or paper, folded in 4 layers. To insist 25-30 minutes, and you can start to drink.
Peel do not throw, infusion continues.
Once filled cover with boiling water — treatment started, and those 25-30 minutes of steeping capacity of pomegranate peel should be with someone who treated.
Preparation of water extract of dried peels of pomegranate for the treatment of all these diseases the same way. The application is different.
The APPLICATION of therapeutic infusion:
1. To cure for 5 hours from 1) dysentery, 2) Salmonella; 3) typhoid fever; 4) cholera; 5) acute appendicitis — use water infusion:
— After insisting for 25-30 minutes to drink about half of liquid (half Cup). Don't strain the infusion, infusion continues. And again cover with a saucer. If after 10 minutes, then felt sick, so it was a normal upset stomach (diarrhea) and it is fully cured. It is safe to indulge in any traveling, since diarrhea and constipation.
— If after 10 minutes did not feel recovered, then you have or dysentery, or Salmonella, or typhoid, or cholera. You need to stay at home after 3 hours to drink the remaining water extract. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with insistence 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs after 5 hours after the start of treatment.
2. To cure for 1 week from: 1) stomach ulcers; 2) ulcers of the intestine (small intestine); 3) colitis (inflammation of the colon); 4) dysbiosis — use water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate fruit:
— After insisting for 25-30 minutes getting a drink. Throughout the day drink about a half of infusion of water (90-100 ml) for 4 doses approximately equal portions and in approximately equal intervals of time, i.e., approximately 20-25 ml for 1 admission. Drinking on an empty stomach, and 1st time in the morning, after sleep, and a 4th reception at night, before bed.
Drinking water infusion is not every day of the week, and the next day, i.e. week 1, 3, 5, 7 — to drink the infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 — do not drink the infusion (break from treatment).
This is enough for a complete cure. But if someone for reassurance, wants to continue treatment, such as stomach ulcers, it is possible not earlier than in a week repeat week course of treatment.
In the treatment process of water infusion is not strain — infusion continues.
In this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, especially contraindicated in the days of the aqueous infusion.
The essence of treatment is that in the entire gastrointestinal tract are constantly suppressed all bacteria (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their location successfully colonize healthy necessary for human bacteria.
In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates was treating this water infusion cut and stab wounds. The wound superimposed clean (cotton) cloth pre-soaked in water infusion of dry peels of pomegranate fruit. The cloth is constantly kept moist until the wound heals.
According to the article "Russian Gazette", No. 17-18, 2007
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