8 elementary exercises for the muscles of the face-lift. Stay young!
To your face look younger longer need to take care of him. This does not mean you have to use different creams that promise to us to stop aging. You need to train the muscles of the face. I prepared for you 8 feysbildinga wonderful exercise to help tighten the face. With regular exercises the skin will be better suck blood because of what you look much fresher and younger. The result you can see in 2 weeks!
1. Exercise forehead
Put the fingers of both hands on his forehead, so that your ring fingers were on the eyebrows. Now, trying to overcome the resistance of the fingers, raise eyebrows.
2. Exercise for eyes
Open your eyes as widely as possible. Then relax the muscles.
3. Exercise cheek
Put your fingers to the corners of the mouth and smile. The muscles of the mouth and cheeks need to strain. Then relax the muscles.
4. Exercise against the sagging corners of the mouth
Clamp mouth between the teeth and tighten the corners of the mouth upward. Linger so a couple of seconds and relax muscles. This exercise will also prevent the formation of wrinkles on the upper lip.
5. Exercise against wrinkles around the eyes
Squeeze your fingers to the outer corners of eyes and strained lower eyelids. Then relax the muscles.
6. Exercise against double chin
Planted a fist under the chin and, overcoming the resistance of the hands, mouth open. Then, resting his chin with his thumb, most vysun language so that its tip pointing downwards.
7. Exercise for the neck
Pull down the lower lip, without moving the corners of the mouth to expose the lower teeth.
8. Exercise to strengthen the entire contour of the face
Strained cheeks and chin mouth wide open, put forward the lower jaw forward. Strongly straining muscles of the neck and jaw. Then relax the muscles.
To achieve a good result, these exercises should be done 5 times a week, but better - every day. Each exercise should be repeated 5 times for 6 seconds, gradually bringing the number of repetitions to 20.
Try to imagine these exercises feysbildinga, and you will see that pomolodeesh for several years, and the skin condition improved significantly. Be sure to tell my friends about this gym!
via takprosto cc
1. Exercise forehead
Put the fingers of both hands on his forehead, so that your ring fingers were on the eyebrows. Now, trying to overcome the resistance of the fingers, raise eyebrows.

2. Exercise for eyes
Open your eyes as widely as possible. Then relax the muscles.

3. Exercise cheek
Put your fingers to the corners of the mouth and smile. The muscles of the mouth and cheeks need to strain. Then relax the muscles.

4. Exercise against the sagging corners of the mouth
Clamp mouth between the teeth and tighten the corners of the mouth upward. Linger so a couple of seconds and relax muscles. This exercise will also prevent the formation of wrinkles on the upper lip.

5. Exercise against wrinkles around the eyes
Squeeze your fingers to the outer corners of eyes and strained lower eyelids. Then relax the muscles.

6. Exercise against double chin
Planted a fist under the chin and, overcoming the resistance of the hands, mouth open. Then, resting his chin with his thumb, most vysun language so that its tip pointing downwards.

7. Exercise for the neck
Pull down the lower lip, without moving the corners of the mouth to expose the lower teeth.

8. Exercise to strengthen the entire contour of the face
Strained cheeks and chin mouth wide open, put forward the lower jaw forward. Strongly straining muscles of the neck and jaw. Then relax the muscles.

To achieve a good result, these exercises should be done 5 times a week, but better - every day. Each exercise should be repeated 5 times for 6 seconds, gradually bringing the number of repetitions to 20.
Try to imagine these exercises feysbildinga, and you will see that pomolodeesh for several years, and the skin condition improved significantly. Be sure to tell my friends about this gym!
via takprosto cc
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